Until this afternoon I had tiny white Christmas lights strung over the backyard patio. Until this afternoon I was perfectly happy with the white Christmas lights strung over the backyard patio. Until this afternoon I never thought sweet husband would really put up colored Christmas lights and like them.
So although the picture is a bit fuzzy because I was too lazy to get out a tripod and the other camera, I want you to vote. You can still see the charming little white non-twinkling strands of lights. They aren't completely down - yet. But now we have a strand of C7 size white lights and a strand of C7 colored lights strung. Sweet husband wants to string colored lights above the patio. Until this afternoon I was perfectly happy with the white non-twinkling, little lights over the patio. Now, I don't know when sweet husband thought he could decorate. Or that he had taste. Or why he would want to put up colored Christmas lights over the patio.
So it's up to you, please leave a comment and vote. The lights strung in the front and up are colored (we did insert one white one every 5 colored lights). The one strung sideways is all white.
Do we go with the colored lights? Do we go with the white lights. I was perfectly happy.........
Do you think the colored ones are "more festive"? Do you think I could grow to love them? How do you think I feel about all this?
update 5/19/09 - thanks Brenda, good thought. Lights are going up... guess which!
Be Creative!
I think the colored lights have character. Out of the box fun. Enjoy, whichever you choose!
I only like the white lights, you probably knew that, to me the colored ones are more commercial looking, but I'm the only one in my family that does!
My own husband said recently "Stop and smell the colors." and he was being sentimental but all I can think of is how he is an autobody shop owner/painter and His colors really do stink~ LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! (The paint that is.) His taste is usually on track with mine, but sometimes I have to smile and know that he gets to put his two cents in every once in a while........ Darn it! Good luck:)
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