As you can see this one man is really being helpful. Cleaning up the pollen dropping off the big trees in the back yard. Although the weather is quite warm, he's got to wear long sleeves to keep from cutting himself and tearing his skin. Bless his heart.

Isn't she a beauty? I love the very pale tinge of lavender in the petals that contrasts so beautifully with the yellow beard and the lime colored stripes.

Truly a magnificent specimen. Guess what?? Man met Ms. Iris. Man was being very careful. Ms. Iris however, had met her match. Down she went. One minute she was standing there in all her glory and the next, she flopped over and the blood was rushing to her lovely standards. Man's wife to the rescue.

Poem of Iris
Why are people bewildered to be open and show themselves?
What are they afraid of? What are they resisting for?
See me and feel the power of my self concentration.
I am a rainbow. I am a shooting star.
I bring divinity to the earth. I know the joy of opening
myself, learning self mastery on the Earth and devoting
myself to the last drops of my life.
Mitsuyo Matsumoto
Why are people bewildered to be open and show themselves?
What are they afraid of? What are they resisting for?
See me and feel the power of my self concentration.
I am a rainbow. I am a shooting star.
I bring divinity to the earth. I know the joy of opening
myself, learning self mastery on the Earth and devoting
myself to the last drops of my life.
Mitsuyo Matsumoto

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