I love spring! It's just so charming when the beautiful blooms appear. I have made nothing, I have sewn nothing, I have crafted nothing. But, I have started the spring clean up in the yard. The yard guys were supposed to come, but they seem to be lost? Oh help! My contribution is all about Lowe's, the garden center, nurseries and making decisions. I think that's fair.

After all I chose the tulips that were kind enough to bloom a second year. Decided where they should be planted. Picked the colors, type and supervised their planting.

But this is the muscle. He's planting the yellow roses on the sunny side of the yard along the fence. No grass yet, but it will start coming in soon I'm sure.

I also decided to plant some sweet broom this year. Then I read the care and some evals on the web. Oh what havoc did I create?? Many people have had a hard time with this plant. Any suggestions? I'm all ears.

Holly has these sweet yellow blooms. If the blooms this year are any indication of how many red berries we will have in the winter, then we are in for an abundance of bright red berries. Or is this the other way around?

This is however what I want to share! Can you smell the perfect scent of wisteria? It wafts in through the open windows infusing the house with it's perfectly clean aroma. It grows all along the back fence. This year just as last, we have a masses of blooms. Last year the last freeze created a purple carpet. I pray we are through with any freezes.

I'm loving this bench more and more. Faded colors, beneath the spring greenery on the tree, next to a bed or tulips and surrounded by wisteria! A delightful spot in which to enjoy a good read.

Gotta fix some of the fence because the wisteria has grown through the slats.. but it's worth it.

I think this weekend will be spent with the leaf sucker/mulcher!! Better 'splain that to the helper very gently.

I so wish i could share this heavenly scent with you!
"Don't hurry and don't worry,
Life's too precious to be rushed,
Take time to hear the blackbird sing
When the evening's hushed.
Don't stumble and don't grumble,
We're only here a while,
So smell the flowers on your way,
Enjoying every mile.
Don't groan a lot, or moan a lot,
Or dwell on stress and strife,
But see the wonders of the world
And all the gifts of life.
Don't hurry and don't worry,
Enjoy the sun and showers,
We're here for such a little while -
Take the time to smell the flowers."
~Iris HESSELDEN Smell the Flowers
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