I was born early to late March. I've got that devilish look to my eyes. My first photo. Mom brought me to this house and I was petrified.
If you look close, I'm hissing because this strange woman with a black box for a face was 30 feet across the patio and wanted my picture.
I think it was at this point that the black box lady gave me a name. Regan. She says it's from the movie The Exorcist. Something about taking bets as to when my head would spin and green venom would spew forth. I don't understand. Hiss, spit.. hisss
There used to be plants all over this pot, top and all those holes. Well, I left 3. That ought to be enough.
Even asleep, I would hiss and this is proof....
So those silly folks started to let us in. Mom and myself. I think my sister got sick and is playing in heaven now. Lace curtains are soo much fun.
This is my mom. Isn't she a beauty? She's known as Miss Priss. She is not very smart. If she'd let these strange folks touch her, boy she'd have it made in the shade!!
Oh, I remember this picture. I got the dreaded "NO!". Those fringes on my table are just too tempting. Not my fault!!
I used to sleep outside......
Now I sleep anywhere I want in air conditioned comfort. I was pretty smart wasn't I?
The guy holding me is such a softy. He kept saying No pets, no pets, no pets. Doesn't he realize he's my pet?? Oh well, as long as life is this good... watching baseball, eating smoked cheddar, shrimp and steak.
I'm glad you got to meet me. Thanks for coming by, this is my coming out party. Someone said that next week I had an appointment with something called a doctor. Is this going to be scary? Let me get on to business now... who won?? Are you dying to know? I am. She's been pretty excited about this giveaway. Oh, just in case you are wondering, I left my hisser at the door!
Random.org picked......
And who might that be?????
Congratulations TracyM.... CSN will be contacting you with your $40 gift card to use in any of their online stores. Thank you CSN for sponsoring this giveaway.
Regan, You are a very smart kitten and although Mom picked your house
you won their hearts. You are a very lucky kitten to have chosen the family you did. They are great people and love you very much. The doctor won't be too bad and it will probably get you even more attention.
Good to see that "Regan" is now UN-POSSESSED, she would have gotten WAY to dizzy with her head spinning around anyway!!! TOO CUTE!!!
and congratulations to Tracy!
Hugs to you, Donna
First off, congrats to Tracy on winning the give-away!
Also, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this pictorial post of Regan "taking over" her new castle! (Mama cat is beautiful too!) I love cats and know exactly how they sneak into our lives and hearts and just settle in. We currently have two, Tiger and Lily... my husband does not like cats, and these two have figured that out so they take EVERY opportunity to schmooze him and FORCE him to like them - it's hilarious!
I'm very excited about winning....thanks! Regan is very cute!
Way too cute for his own good:)
Congrats to Tracy!
And your little cat is adorable! Regan is a ture beauty!!! Love the picture in the top of the strawberry pot. I have a new kitten, hobbes, and he is a delight... naughty but delightful!
Hi Regan! Oh, you are a smart kitty and you're just so handsome!! Now you just keep on being the king of the household and congratulations to the winner. You did good! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Regan! Oh, you are a smart kitty and you're just so handsome!! Now you just keep on being the king of the household and congratulations to the winner. You did good! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
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