Main Entry: 1vi·gnette
Pronunciation: \vin-ˈyet, vēn-\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French vignete, from diminutive of vigne vine — more at vine
Date: 1611
1 : a running ornament (as of vine leaves, tendrils, and grapes) put on or just before a title page or at the beginning or end of a chapter; also : a small decorative design or picture so placed
2 a : a picture (as an engraving or photograph) that shades off gradually into the surrounding paper b :
3 a : a short descriptive literary sketch b : a brief incident or scene (as in a play or movie) the pictorial part of a postage stamp design as distinguished from the frame and lettering
2 a : a picture (as an engraving or photograph) that shades off gradually into the surrounding paper b :
3 a : a short descriptive literary sketch b : a brief incident or scene (as in a play or movie) the pictorial part of a postage stamp design as distinguished from the frame and lettering
— vi·gnett·ist \-ˈye-tist\ noun
So how did a composition, an arrangement of items become known as such? I'll let you know when I figure it out.
As a side note: I love language and words - so I guess that makes me a linguaphile. However, that was not always the case. When I was young, I had a very hard time with English. The rules are inconsistent, very unlike German which is very pragmatic and rule driven And let's not forget that 'ough' has 10 different pronunciations. But somehow I persevered and can almost wax poetic in this language also!
This is a favorite vignette of mine in our home. A little lamp salvaged from my husband's aunt, a favorite piece of china, and two angels. Some of my favorite things.
This lamp was destined to be sold or trashed and I knew I needed a small lamp. Believe me it was no looker when I picked it up. Plain Jane shade is an understatement. I kept the shade but made it a dress to spruce it up. Sewed up a tube, added some trim, slipped it over the original shade and gathered it on top with a ribbon. Tied a ribbon to the harp.
I added a sachet that I made and dec'd out with beads and silk ribbon flowers. The angel was is a very special gift from my friend Faith. It's a silver and brass candlesnuffer. Too cute!
This view shows off the sweet angel on this end. I found him in our grocery store!! yeah! He's perfect on the leaded glass antique bookcase that is being used to house drinkware.
He's blowing you a kiss.
He's blowing you a kiss.
Just for you my dear sweet reader friends.
The dish pattern is Burgenland by Villeroy & Boch. I love that it shows the beautiful countryside in Germany.
All beneath a signed Windberg print. Here's a great book
about this "Artist of Texas".
I hope you enjoyed this brief visit. Stay tuned for a tablescape with the Burgenland china.Thanks for dropping in, I love company. Hugs...cya soon.The dish pattern is Burgenland by Villeroy & Boch. I love that it shows the beautiful countryside in Germany.
All beneath a signed Windberg print. Here's a great book
I am linking up with Color Outside the Lines.. a great blog I've discovered that Artie is most talented and most inspiring... And I was too late to link up last week, so this might be a re-run for some.. thanks for coming by, thanks for commenting.. I love company.
"Your vignette is so wonderful, and I'm in love with the tureen"... I have some of those dishes and know just how beautiful they are...
Have a great day,
The soup tureen/covered dish is so pretty! I love it
Such a pretty vignette, and oh my, I LOVE those doors on that cabinet. laurie
Love your buffet! You are sooo creative - the lamp is beautiful! Nice touches...
Your tabletop vignette is very pretty, Marlis. Love the lampshade and the soup tureen!
Blessings, Beth
That lamp is ADORABLE! And so is the little angel on the right. I love him too!
Best regards,
What a gorgeous tureen! And your grocery store angel was a nice find.
It's a very nice arrangement on that beautiful bookcase w/ those great leaded glass doors! Visiting from Artie's~ Sue
I love what you did to the lamp...could not stop looking at it....a for sure focal point there. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a great weekend. Debbie
This is so pretty! Your lamp is the cutest thing. Love your vignette.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You have the most beautiful home, how wonderful. Hugs from St. Louis!
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