Welcome to another Fiber Fabrications! I'm glad you are here. I'd like to share a baby bath towel made from the simplest of ingredients. Here is the "stuff" I started out with: 1 bath towel, 1 washcloth, embroidery thread, embroidery designs.

Find a decorative stitch you like and stitch it on each band of the bath towel. Also trim out the washcloth band with decorative stitches.

Add a second and third row of stitching on each side of the first.

Find the center of the long side of the bath towel. Place 3 one inch pleats on each side of the center. Fold a washcloth almost in half. Serge the sides to form a hood. I serge from edge to about 1" in on the fold.. turn right sides out. Attach the flap created by folding the washcloth not in half over the pleats in the towel with a straight stitch. Curve the hood end under a bit and stitch in place.

The washcloth flap needs to be on the inside of the towel.

A closer look at the stitching.

Embroider the design in a corner of the bath towel. Here's a tip I can share - use a dry cleaning bag on top. it's the lightest weight and doesn't dissolve when washed so the stitches never fall into the nap of the toweling!

Isn't that a cute little duck?

And the happy mama to be at the shower..
Be Creative!
How neat to be able to do this! LOVE it! :-)
one thing I have never been able to do... sew! Thanks for stopping by!
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