...family, friends, home and other tidbits of a blessed life

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More eggs, some you can make!

I don't remember where I saw yarn wrapped eggs. 'Twasn't my idea, however, they are a lot of fun and really add a bit of cleverness to your decorating scheme.
Supplies: styrofoam eggs, yarn, ribbon, tiny flowers & leaves, pins, white glue, paintbrush.
Technique: Each egg must be wrapped from the narrow end to the middle. So you'll start twice and end up in the middle with each wrapping. If you decide you want to try to wrap the egg with one continuous strand, you'll find out that the wrapping becomes increasingly more difficult as the egg narrows. It's much easier to wrap while the diameter increases. Paint a bit of glue around the egg circumference, about 1/2" at a time. Begin the yarn/thread at the point and wrap in a circular motion till the middle, adding more glue as you go.
Decorate the eggs with ribbon that you pin into the eggs, bridal flowers and any other treasures you have lying around.
Place a bit of Easter grass in a crystal candy dish, add the eggs and voila! instant charm.
Loved that bit of folded green ribbon. It came just as you see it, I simply snipped off what i needed.
A very simple green with white leaves and flowers.
Even variegated yarns/threads work just fine and add some fun to the pieces!
If you only get one finished, find a small candy dish...
Add a bit of grass, drop in the egg. You're done!

1 comment:

Faith said...

Marlis - you are beyond a doubt - the MOST creative person I have ever known. Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring me!


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