This is the first installment of 3.. I want to show you that it's possible to create a project in a couple of hours with very few embellishments and just a few supplies. The trick to to pick a color and stick with it. Repetition will unify the project and limited supplies will spawn spurts of creativity that you didn't know existed. I started with a set of stamps, some black ink, black cardstock, a corner punch, black journaling pen, adhesive, rubons, white journaling pen, and some ribbon. The album is one that is found at your local scrapbook store or a craft store. All paper and held together with ribbon. The interior pages are usually white. With this type of album, it's imperative not to add too much or the finished project will be too thick to close and the pages will start to separate from the staples. The front is indicative of the inside and sets the mood.

This album commemorates a very special time in my life. BSF or Bible Study Fellowship is a non-denominational bible study. It's a very indepth study of the bible without the potlucks and social events. However my leader the first year shared her ranch house with us after the class. That was the year that each one of us in the class was going through a trying time so we bonded with one another as only strangers in pain can. I say it saved my life that year. Kept me grounded and focused. So here's to BSF, my fearless discussion leader and all the ladies who came together in Christ.
Inside front cover has stamps, a QuicKutz title, and a rubon that sets the tone.

Page one - our group shot. names inside a stamp and a QuicKutz flourish die cut. Notice the corner punch.. all pictures are unified with the black mat and the corner punch.

Page two: a black jounaling strip with white writing. Invest in a good white journaling pen! One flower stamp.

Page three is a companion to the page 2. Same elements on this page. See, I told you it was easy.

One stamp, journaling inside and the picture grace page four.

Page five has one stamp with journaling inside and one picture. Really easy and very effective isn't it?

Stay tuned next Wednesday for more ideas to complete your own 2 hour album!
Be creative!