I was setting a table dedicated to all the women in my life: Mom, Oma, Granny (my mum in law), Mamma (grandmother in law), and Mary, a woman whose grace and Christian life has left many impressions on me.
Tears were flowing, as I was missing them all. Feeling quite alone. Yearning for some sun. Bramasole.
A knock on the door, I could see our mail carrier standing there with two package. One from a recent ebay purchase (dare you to guess what that was!) and another box from the north east. I quickly opened the ebay box to inspect the contents, put those aside and tore into this box. Do you see the rays of sunshine just staring me back in the face? Isn't the packaging just luscious?
I opened and read the note first. What an incredible treasure this note is. Thank you Linda. Your note spoke to my heart!
In the first package was a wonderful book. I had hoped to start it this weekend, but somehow, all things "me" are on the back-burner for a while longer and that didn't happen. So I will start stealing a few minutes here and there, just for me!
Look at all the lovelies in this box! I knew about the book and the Bramasole olive oil, but the rest was a complete surprise.. oh yeah, the book reading didn't happen because I was reading the cookbook! I had won a blog giveaway from my friend Linda at More Fun, Less Laundry. Thank you sooooo very much. I'm ecstatic. You lifted my spirits and I am delighted with the goodies.
Yummy!!! I had to taste. You can check out Frances Mayes HERE.
I am already scheming about which dishes to use first on these lovely checked placemats and yellow napkins. The color does remind me of the sun. Forever these shall be linked: Linda - the yellow linens - Bramasole (which means yearning for the sun)!
And then I lost myself in the cookbook. OOH the pictures are so nice and the recipes... well you will just have to read them yourselves. Deliriously enticing.
Now the question is.. do i start with this recipe....
Or this? I love love garlic soup and am still trying to recreate a soup I had in Orange County sitting with some friends, enjoying a wonderful meal after a long, hard day of work. This could be the first recipe I make, it sounds very similar to the one I had. So much Bramasole on one day.... Thank you tons Linda! Be sure to check our her blog, her posts are definitely a ray of sunshine!

I must say it again...blogging friends are the best EVER!!! Congratulations on your prizes! I have a feeling you'll be sharing these with all of us, as well! All are winners! Enjoy!!!
What a fabulous gift, Marlis. I have always wanted to read that book. One of these day!
The cookbook sounds wonderful.
Beautiful, all the way around.
What a fun gift to receive in the mail. I did not know that Bramasole meant yearing for the sun until the past few years. Remember Pattie and Allie that used to blog with the blog named Bramasole. What a fun cookbook to delve into. Joni
What a lovely surprise and it sounds like it came just at the right moment :)
The new recipes will be perfect served with what came in that other box...Schumann, I'm guessing? Congratulations for winning that delightful give away. Cherry Kay
How wonderful! And isn't it even more wonderful that the arrival of the treasure came just when you needed it? I love how God does that.
Congratulations on your win! That was a wonderful package to receive! I'm guessing the Ebay package were some new dishes! I look about on there myself!
What a beautiful package, just FILLED with treasurea!!! Have fun reading the book and making the recipes. XO, Pinky
Loved that book and loved Tuscany! Awesome to receive packages - best part of the day - lol!!
Congratulations Marlis! How wonderful and timely your package from Linda was! Happy Cooking & Reading :)
A beautiful suprise just when you needed it most. Have fun with all your goodies. Can't wait to see what you make first : )
Danielle xo
Hi Marlis, I have been away and wasn't able to see your lively post! I am so happy that you enjoyed your package and I hope you find many goodies in the cookbook. I will be back later to visit all of your other wonderful posts! Linda :)
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