This was Friday. This is why the patio isn't clean. This is why I have green bricks. It is
monsoon season in Lubbock! At the risk of sounding like my mother-in-law, I can't remember a more wet winter or spring. It's been great for the vegetation, but it's wrecked havoc with the grass and brick; and the trees are producing pollen faster than I can buy allergies pills this year. Oh well, I'll invest in a power washer and get the green off the red brick patio. Somehow..

Sunday is a fun day around our house. Church, yard work and a wee bit of fun are usually on tap. The squirrels have returned. I used to have 4. Or should I say, that four squirrels thought they owned our yard last year. I have found more seedling pecan trees coming up. What a nuisance, thank you squirrels. It's a good thing they aren't on the endangered species list! Oh but did you know that if where there are cats, there are no squirrels. So I think I'll keep feeding the strays!

So I planted some on Sunday. This planter was purchased at a great little place on Doniphan in El Paso. Talevera pottery is one of my weaknesses. I can't get enough of it. Maybe Rosa's will let me come "shop" their restaurant?? I doubt it, but it is a thought regardless of how bad! We are blessed with lots of shade. So I can plant lots of
caladiums! But I do get a might bit sick of those. Need to find some other plants that will do well in the shade other than the succulent I loved the look of at the nursery but whose orange flowers smelled of a nasty gym shoe! Now really, who would buy that? I don't know what the lime green stuff is except that it trails, is lime green and I love it. Do you know the name?

Planted some ivy around our real tree branches that are all strung out in lights. The garden witch perches beneath keeping all bad garden pests at bay. If you listen carefully, you'll hear her say, "Stay away, stay away, don't even think of coming another day!"

I can't wait till it dries out, then I'm sure I'll be able to get rid of the excess dirt on the patio! Found this great pot at Garden Ridge in Dallas. As I did the Talavera pot behind it. Have yet to find a perfect plant (remember all shade) for the Talavera pot. Any ideas?

caladiums in each window box on the patio..

Check back soon, the planting is almost all done, the patio is yet to be cleaned, and there are lots of ideas floating around like flotsam in my head...
Psalm 68:10Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, O God, you provided for the poor.
1 comment:
Hi Marlis,
It's Helen. Just thought that I would suggest Ajuga for some of your shady areas. I planted a couple plants 5 or 6 years ago. I now have 3 or 4 feet of the plant. It has purplish green leaves and mine have just finished blooming. Mine are planted on the east side of my house next to the garage and get very little sunlight. Think you might like this plant. It also stays green all year long.
Enjoyed getting to come to club this past Sat. Have almost finished the project. Just like some ribbon, adding the flowers and finding another 7. Mine didn't make it to the tag. LOL.
Still haven't figured out to sent without being anonymous.
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