Oh what fun. You break a piece of china. If it was a prized piece, first you cry. Then you pick up the pieces and instead of throwing them away, package them carefully and send them off. And when the package comes back to you, you have a piece you can wear. A memory encased in silver. Yours, your mother's, your grandmother's china preserved to be enjoyed daily if you wish.

There are two companies represented here. One is
Broken China Jewelry and the other is
Vintage Revival. Click on their names to be transported to the fine world of jewelry made of your prized possessions. Or you can just browse until you find something you want to purchase. Only one piece you see is an heirloom.

The heart is made from a broken piece of my wedding china. It's by Lenox, called Snow Lily. The heart can be worn as a pin or a pendant, making it quite versatile. This piece is made by Vintage Revival.

This piece is by Broken China Jewelry and was purchased at a show somewhere along my travels in 1995. Our favorite Max had just passed away and I saw this lone little kitty with one of my favorite flowers - so it made it's way into my suitcase. :)

Last trip to Santa Fe, I went into one of my favorite stores along the square and saw a very familiar site! Jewelry by Vintage Revival. This one didn't come from there, I had purchased it previously at a trade show. I loved the rarity of a scenic southwest plate mixed with the silver frames and knew it would be something I would wear often.

Another piece by Broken China Jewelry. Now how could I possibly pass up a piece with my initial on it?
Be Creative!
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