"Mom. I think I need some Asian dishes."
"I have some I can give you."
"Mom, yours are greenish."
"You can have them."
"I don't like yours."
"Okay, let's go shopping."
So what's a mom to do?
Unlike a larger city, Lubbock shopping is really the pits.
However, we found these at World Market.
The Cherry Blossom collection.
He loved them.
We bought them.
I lost my bamboo flatware in the shuffle.
And with only minutes to pull this off,
he wanted to leave with is dishes.
Can you believe that?
I set this table.
Very quickly!
Lost the brown napkins, too.
I did get enough of the sauce dishes for both households.
I only had yellow phalaenopsis around.
I suggested he go buy some white ones.
I miss my bamboo flatware already.
Horchows!!! Can you read my mind?
Ship them quickly!!
On the menu:
Wonton soup
Stir fried beef and broccoli
Steamed rice.
Guys don't eat dessert.
Must check cabinet to see if the glasses are still here.
I quickly put up the bamboo placemats from Pier One.
I did freely donate the small votive candles.
Chopsticks also from World Market.
Chopstick rests (they stayed here) are from JCP.
Thanks for stopping by.
Do your children "shop" your house?
Partying at
See y'all there!!

Marlis, I love all the texture of this table. The bamboo placemats with the bamboo flatware (I hope you are able to replace) and the fabulous orchids. Your sons new dishes are great, good thing he didn't like your green ones. No kids so my dishes are safe. LOL
Hugs, Dawna
So he didn't like your Asian-inspired dishes, huh? Doesn't he know that the whole tablescape blogging world LOVED those?!??!!! Oh, well...men! :-) I think the World Market dishes are an excellent choice, and all the items you put with them really work well. If you need someone to go with you on an overnight re-con mission to get that dark bamboo flatware back, just let me know! I'm feeling a little "Mission: Impossible-like" these days! :-) The yin-yang sauce dishes are SO COOL!!!!!!! My son shops our house but rarely makes it past the front door with anything! He got my Fry Baby and my brand new carpet wet-vac, but I had to put my foot down when it came to dishes!!!
Score!!! Those are wonderful dishes. Now I'm wondering if the World Market here has those dishes. Oh you temptress!!
I have no fear from this Traditional Mom to a Contemporary/ Country son and daughter ~in ~law!!! You might have read on my blog that although I have MANY lovely, washable cloth napkins...no one in my family will use them BUT ME!!! Safe, once again!!! This tablescape is lovely!!! Your son has picked up your GREAT taste in decor. While you're taking time to recover from your disappearing bamboo flatware...remember this is the son who built you a table!!! You're one lucky lady!!!
What a great table and joint effort. The orchids are lovely, too. I used to shop at my mom's but mostly shopped her pantry for groceries. xo
KC sometimes wants to trade something of mine for something of hers....or she wants to borrow something. When it's time for the borrowed items to come home, she says, "But Mom, you gave me those.". And the next time that she lays eyes on the my part of the traded items it's, "Mom, you borrowed those from me, and I need to get them back. Truth is, I'm sure that I did the same thing to my mom and mother-in-love. What goes around comes around. Great Asian inspired tablescape. I've found myself adding Asian patterns right and left lately...beautiful mood setters. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay
Oh goodness...he didn't like the dishes??? I love Asian dishes and pretty much everything and these china is gorgeous, your blue and cherry blossom's china is beautiful, lovely! I have a few Asian sets and I love them all! I love the orchids and the placemats as well. sorry for the dessapearing flatware, Marlis. My daughters just take things, they love everything, I don't borrow from them at all. It seems everytime they visit, they take things.. from dishes, furniture and even lamps, lol..Daughters (and sons) are wonderful...and so are mama's, as I find I'm taking things from mother too, telling her she doesn't use them anymore, jejeje.. Thanks for sharing, dear Marlis.
Beautiful tablescape, Marlis. I love the blue dishes. Your post is so funny. My kids aren't old enough to shop my house yet...but the other day our oldest said, "Mom, when you die, I want these, OK?" Seriously!!! :)
I love your conversation :) and aren't you a generous mom to buy dishes AND donate your bamboo flatware! I do love World Market. Is your son inviting you over and cooking or ordering take out?
What a cute post, Marlis, love your conversation with your son. It sounds so familiar. What a loving mom you are to give whatever your son wants. Love the dishes but then again, I love everything Asian, and European and Eurasians and all types of dishes, lol...Christine
I'm cracking up about having to set that table in a hurry cuz I would have done the same thing!!
That jug is Rumtopf but since I'm using Smirnoff vodka instead of Rum I'm calling mine Smirntopf!
I loved your post, Marlis! How cute that you and your son got to go shopping together and pick out some new things. Hope he invites you over for a wonderful meal. There's always take-out for sure!!
This was such a cute post! Love the dishes and the placemats are perfect. I want that flatware also! Yes my daughter will 'like' something and home it goes with her!
Great post Marlis!! I think it's great that your son is following in your creative footsteps. My daughter visited SE Asia this summer, and we have heard about a lot of NEW dishes ;-)
Jocelyn @
Hi Marlis! Love this table! The colors are wonderful. Love the placemats you chose. I can't believe you parted with the flatware, but it's perfect for this table. Oh, a mother's love!
He is too cute not liking Asian §;-)
Don't forget to purchase a dozen for of those wonderful flatwares *wink
Greetings from chilly Stockholm,
What a pretty table. I wish my kids were inclined to do a tablescape, but they aren't interested...they just roll their eyes!
Marlis, Honestly! I actually laughed out loud and then I read it again! By the way, you have sent my SON to World Market! This post is a memory keeper! I absolutely appreciate you sharing the conversation with your son! I love the part about not liking the green but the blue china! Your son was in a hurry and came away in great shape with all your other beautiful pieces. The tablescape is gorgeous and I do love the Asian china you found at World Market! I can see the reason why he took the extra pieces for you are so talented in setting this lovely and elegent table! You started me thinking I have an only son and so this is very meaningful to me! My son has just moved to Lubbock for a new job and is living in an apartment. He needs a new head board and bed frame, probably a platform. When I though of World Market, I looked on line and there was a modern bed I thought he might like. Of course, I said look it up on line and seems he is going tomorrow to view it for it is at the store in Lubbock! He has the new sports job at channel 11 station with Pete Christy as his boss! Pete said on camera he was glad Chris is there so he can have some days off next week. Chris loves sports and is thrilled to be back in Texas! Thanks for sharing your wonderful story and beautiful tablescape.
Thanks, Pam
Such fun textures and well done tablescape. Menu sounds great and you have the great look to match.
Thanks for your visit. Your shopping story for your son made me smile. We have small town shopping here and I would be thrilled to shop at A World Market. The dishes you found for your son are very appropriate for male or female. I love them. Your son has good taste. The flatware is the perfect companion to his new dishes. You are a very good mom. I am sure he knows it.Smile.
xo, Jeanne
Oh, this one makes me smile. Love the dishes, but mostly love the thought that your son appreciates a beautiful table. You've inspired him!
Or is it, You've spoiled him! Gotta love it, Marlis!
I love this post Marlis! I have three sons, and none have shopped my dish collection (yet) ;o) Love the dishes!
I love the dishes! and the placemats look great with them! I'm surprised he didn't get those!
Sounds like you've had quite an influence on your son, if he also "needs" particular dishes! I know y'all had fun shopping for them together. And, hey, at least Lubbock HAS a World Market. We have to drive quite a ways to get to one. I do love the Asian dishes and the table set with them!
Haha Marlis!! Yes I know how you feel...it's usually my daughters who are doing the borrowing. My son has just recently bought a home so I can imagine he will be 'borrowing' soon too!
Great post Marlis, I do love the Asian dishes with their blue color. That flatware is pretty special, he should think of you every time he uses it. Your a sweet Mom to help him out.
Marlis, I am laughing OUT LOUD!!! So funny about your son shopping your house. Yes, I have been going through the same thing this month with my daughter moving into an apartment in Boston. Not only kitchen goodies, but a few tables, my old large table/desk from the days when I lived in Boston (it has found its way home) lamps ... but most of her taste is more contemporary so that is the only thing that saves me! I think it's nice for the kids to have a little touch of "Mom" in their new places. Linda
p.s. I have that flatware too, but Charlotte didn't get out the door with it. You are a super good Mom! Linda
What a fun post! You put together a stunning table. Everything looks just beautiful!
No, I can't believe you did that in minutes, it is perfect! It looks so zen. Pass the fried rice.
You are amazing!
Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!
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