The built ins from our hallway (Click HERE to see) continue down another about 30 feet into our bedroom. There are two of these. A perfect spot for personal treasures. Just things that make me happy. Bad thing is that when I don't know where to put something it ends up here. So I do end up with a mish mash after a while. And I do still need to cull. but that will be another day. Not today. Focus, Focus, Focus... This is before. Pictures angled, nothing straight, Helter Skelter.
The companion shelf.. mmmm, really so much straighter and neater looking. Yeah.. so after this I went around the house and did the hallway you see first, and some other vignettes. It suits me!! Thanks Delores!
I am linking up to Susan's Metamorphosis Monday - cya there!

It looks great, Marlis! Isn't it amazing how a few tweaks can make such a difference? When we packed up our house earlier this summer and then UNPACKED again, I had a great chance to straighten up and reorganize shelves and cupboards. HUGE difference!
Hi Marlis,
Everything looks great! Nice and organized!
Marlis, I do see that that looks better and I didn't get the memo either because I always thought that angling things made for an insteresting presentation. I would love to have all your built-in storage space. Joni
Marlis, I did exactly the same thing after reading Delores' post about straightening the photos, etc. I think it looks much better, too. Thanks for your take on it.
I love it Marliss! Love how you straightened up your life! haha. Your book shelf looks great!
Ooops, I mean Marlis! Thanks for the mention!
The shelves sure look so much neater, Marlis. Thanks for the tip....Christine
I love your built in shelves! How I would die for those. I have to admit that I too, am an "angle-er". I used to think it made things on shelves look quirky. Funny thing is that once you straighten them out everything looks better. I think you did a great job. Love your style! : )
Thanks, Marlis. I now have one more thing to add to my "To Do" list! Without question, your shelves look better after you straightened them out! I gotta do that to mine. But what a charming collection of "junk!" I got a kick looking at all the little tchotchkes. Now I'm off to check Delores' blog.
Hi Marlis,
What beautiful vignettes. Now I have to go and redo my shelves. I am totally inspired.
HI Marlis! Oh, how nice this looks! Now I know I need to get to straightening out my house! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh I like this Marlis, just great, so neat and now you can appreciate every one of your pretty things! How about a contrasting background so things can stand out?! Have a great week. Hus, FABBY
Amazing, Who would have thought such a simple thing would make such a difference. Looks great. I just may have to try it. Things are askew around my anyway.
Thanks for sharing this neat tip.
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