Epergne - An epergne generally has a large central "bowl" or basket sitting on
three to five feet. From this center "bowl" radiate branches supporting
small baskets, dishes, or candleholders. There may be between two and
seven branches. Epergnes were traditionally made from silver, however
from around the start of the 20th century glass was also employed.

From the
Silver Lining (click the name to read more):
"By the eighteenth century entertaining
had developed into a grand art, and the English epergne can claim a
strong link to seventeenth century France and the great changes in
manners which began with the French Court. This revolution greatly
affected the silversmith’s output, and led to many of the articles
common to the twenty-first century table. For example, foods that had
previously been eaten from a common bowl with either fingers or bread
came to be eaten with spoons and forks from individual plates, and by
the late 1600’s there existed different plates for different foods.
Further, individual chairs replaced benches at the table. Before the
close of the century silversmiths found themselves making large matching
services for their aristocratic patrons. A new emphasis on decorating
the table led to the development of the centerpiece."

a month ago, I decided to venture out in the heat and scope out a
Sunday estate sale. Arriving early, I stood in line outside the house in
100+ temps. Many glass and crystal
objets were advertised. You
know that objets are much more expensive that simple everyday objects -
right? I was very surprised when I walked in and saw three
Cambridge glass epergnes awaiting a new home.
purchased this one that day. And then dreamt about another one. Why,
because these wonders are all in pieces and I knew that two could mingle
and I would have so many more opportunities to use them.
National Cambridge Collectors: "The Cambridge Glass Co. used the term epergne to describe a
combination consisting of any candlestick to which a detachable arm
that held vases had been added. The arm consisted of a vase holding
ring at either end and in the center either a candle pocket or a
decorative knob, depending upon the arm model, and was produced in
three sizes. The vases used with these arms lacked a foot and thus,
could not stand by themselves. The vases were made in two styles, with
and without a small knob at the bottom."
I did go back the next day to pick up epergne number 2. I should have bought #3 too. Hindsight!
This combination is the first epergne I purchased. Two vase arms, one base, one center vase, 4 drop vases and one center vase.
is the second epergne. It has the base, a 3 arm insert, 3 bowls, one
short center vase and one longer center vase. Did you notice the bases
are the same?
previous photo had the larger center vase and this one shows the
smaller center vase, which is identical to the vase used in the first
combo that came home with me.
I think you can see the pieces more clearly here.
First base with one arm and two vases. Don'tcha just love the little tulip candle holder in the center?
And with the second base... I can divide up the arms and have two darling pieces on the table!
Or, be inserting the smaller vases, I could have two floral arrangements on a buffet table or dining table.
Or I could use a center bowl in each...
Or I have two depression glass candleholders..
The three arm insert also holds candles if you don't use the bowls.. could put one bowl in the center...
Or flowers..
think I'll be on the lookout for a few more pieces. I think this is one
of the most versatile pieces I have. What do you think about it? Still
dreaming of a gleaming one in silver, but I'm so happy with this, I
don't care if it ever happens!!