Santa Fe: refresh, rejuvenate, relax. Inspire. Nourish.
The art market around the square. I had fallen in love with a piece of art the evening before. However, I have a rule. Sleep on it. And then go back and get it. No where did I mention think about it. But indeed, do just that. Think of your home, your walls, where you will you put it, etc. Since we have so many windows, it becomes a question of what will I have to move. Besides, we couldn't find the vendor the day before!
Saw some tile top tables. Another inspiring idea for a table we have in our backyard right now. An old coffee table in need of a new top. Another reason to come back for tiles!
Every bit of this jewelry is either crocheted wire or macrame'd wire. It was quite beautiful to behold.
Love this guy! Plays the long horn, and note the different bells covering his calves. This adds to the musical experience. He was truly a treat for the eyes and ears.
Bless their hearts. If you speak southern, then you know the rest of the story is served with a bowl of milk. But truly bless their hearts. It's about 89 degrees at this time. Hot. She has on two shirts and the shirt jacket and the blue hat. He has on two shirts, is carrying the third and has on a bee keepers hat. His entire front was covered. I hope they survived the temperatures without a heat stroke!
Very simply quilted jackets. A bit of piecing, a bit of stitching and a 500 dollar price tag. I think I can do that!!
Exquisite!! This beautifully made hat has the beads directly attached to the beaver! Such a delight to behold.
Every whip of the leather trim surrounding the brim was impeccably formed. The hat isn't so shabby either.
A look at the La Fonda during the day... I see another rooftop spot covered with white awnings. I think I feel the need to check that out.
Everywhere are these recessed jewels. Little shops in the back of courtyards. Too much fun to pass up.
Wall art made out of plastic Japanese bags. I love the colors and art of the bags.
An entire courtyard of Talavera and other great finds.
Brightly gazed fruits and veggies.
I find folk art so charming.
Old architectural details, such as the beam above, capture my attention every time. How many hundreds of years has this been in place?
Another street musician trying to make a living.
Now this is what I call a bead store. Every thing imaginable to create jewelry in one spot. Stacy, you need to see this first hand.
An alley way restaurant. Maybe next time we will try this little haunt.
Art hanging from the ceiling inside Cafe Pasqual's. I told you we'd eat here! Try the Blue Lady enchiladas. They are simply divine.
More art in Pasqual's. All for sale. Let's plan a trip so you too can see, eat, and feel the magic!
Doesn't this define "hood ornament"?
Not too far from the Hilton, we discovered this perfect little garden tucked away behind walls with an opening barely large enough to let in people. Hidden jewels. The city is full of them.
I love yard art. Maybe he needs a new home?
More yard art in front of a scenic tile niche.
A dry river bed. I keep wanting to put this in between the back fence beds and the grass. Naturally on a smaller scale.
Back to the Coyote Cafe.. yes we like this spot!!
Presentation is everything. Chips and dips with a sidekick of Cerveza.
And this is the piece we purchased from an artist on the square. It's textural, Santa Fe and just the right colors. And it has Santa Fe blue as the trim around the door and window!
Read on for a great recipe from Cafe Pasqual's. Cilantro rice. Please don't let the jalapeno fool you into thinking this dish is hot. If you carefully remove all the seeds and the ribs inside the pepper, you are left with only the flavor. It's quite delicious, I hope you try it. Thanks for joining me on another journey!
Bring rice, water, and 1 t salt to a boil in a 1 1/2-2 quart heavy saucepan, then reduce heat to low and cover pan with a tight, fitting lid. Cook 20 minutes.
Remove from heat and let stand, covered, 5 minutes. Remove lid and fluff rice with a fork.
While rice is cooking, puree cilantro, onion, scallion, jalapeno, lime juice, olive oil and remaining 1/2 t salt in blender( if necessary add 1 to 2 T water to facilitate blending).
Add mixture to rice and stir with a fork until combined well.
What a beautiful, colorful market! Oh, and thanks for giving me the word "flange" for my trim piece! Linda
Marlis - Thank you so much for the inspiring Santa Fe travelogue. I have added Santa Fe to my list of places I must see. claudia
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