Well, finished or not, here it is. Although it's sitting outside, I have no intention of leaving it there. It's sitting pretty in the living room with a white ceramic bird perched at it's side. Since we've no more dollhouse store in town, I've had to resort to internet shopping and so far have found one window box that I'd like to put in the back window... but I'm a wee bit concerned about the shade of green in the box. I might just gut up and order it anyway. If i don't like the green, I guess I could always use Ranger's Alcohol Ink to color it to my liking? We'll see. My inspiration came from Floliescrap, you can see her Christmas house
here. Scroll past the French words and you'll see her marvelous creation.
I purchased my little birdhouse at a local craft store for about $3.50. First I painted the eaves and roof a cool roof red. Then Mod Podge'd the Basic Grey Paper on the house itself. And at that point went spring crazy with the embellishments. Take a close look and enjoy.

Now you've seen it, be inspired, create one of your own.
I've got some goodies planned for this week. But first let me say, that my DH and I spring cleaned the yard this weekend. I raked. I picked up leaves. I got to use the man machine (the leaf sucker and blower). I used muscles I didn't know were there. I am woman. I am sore. Oh I dread the morning. It's going to be painful! Being creative is only painful while creating, not the next day!!
I have a cute little layout of my darling granddaughter Zoe to show you this week and I have to share all the beautiful spring ornaments that I received from the "Heartfelt Spring Swap". Oh they are so lovely and so from the heart. I can't wait to share them with you. Must be nice and give everyone a chance to get theirs via snail mail.
P.S. Forgot to state that I had the company of one butterfly, a red cardinal and a golden eagle on Sunday. That was a real treat.
Be Creative!