...family, friends, home and other tidbits of a blessed life

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I cherish old....

My grandmother's "Paradekissenbezug"... for decoration only pillow cases. Seriously. This way in case you were bedridden and people came to visit, you would show off your wonderful pillowcases. Actually, my grandmother had two sets of down pillows on her bed. One to sleep on, which was behind the one with the beautiful covers. The work on this set of pillow cases (which I've altered to fit a regular bed pillow from the Euro-square format) is done painstakingly by hand. 

Beautiful padded monograms, decorative floral embroideries and "entredeux" stitched directly onto the pillow case. Oma did most of this work herself. 

In turn, I spend most of my sewing time on my machine. Drawnthread work, decorative stitches, linen fabric. 

Satin-stitched edges, corded for additional stability. Gathered up with a tasseled cord.

Decorative pillows. Those are my Paradekissen.  Made my hand. Delicate stitches. Classic fabrics. French lace.

Bobbin-play on the sewing machine with cording and silk ribbon. Embroidery by machine. Click on the link to learn more about machine sewn bobbin play.

Simple stitches laid down to create floral accents.

Rose embroidery with rayon threads.

Now to figure out what to do with that window!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Regan announces the CSN winner!

Welcome to my world... I've moved in. They couldn't resist me. I am king of this castle!!

I was born early to late March. I've got that devilish look to my eyes. My first photo. Mom brought me to this house and I was petrified.

If you look close, I'm hissing  because this strange woman with a black box for a face was 30 feet across the patio and wanted my picture.

I think it was at this point that the black box lady gave me a name. Regan. She says it's from the movie The Exorcist. Something about taking bets as to when my head would spin and green venom would spew forth. I don't understand. Hiss, spit.. hisss

There used to be plants all over this pot, top and all those holes. Well, I left 3. That ought to be enough.

Even asleep, I would hiss and this is proof....

So those silly folks started to let us in. Mom and myself. I think my sister got sick and is playing in heaven now. Lace curtains are soo much fun.

This is my mom. Isn't she a beauty? She's known as Miss Priss. She is not very smart. If she'd let these strange folks touch her, boy she'd have it made in the shade!!

Oh, I remember this picture. I got the dreaded "NO!". Those fringes on my table are just too tempting. Not my fault!!

I used to sleep outside......

Now I sleep anywhere I want in air conditioned comfort. I was pretty smart wasn't I?

The guy holding me is such a softy. He kept saying No pets, no pets, no pets. Doesn't he realize he's my pet?? Oh well, as long as life is this good... watching baseball, eating smoked cheddar, shrimp and steak.

I'm glad you got to meet me. Thanks for coming by, this is my coming out party. Someone said that next week I had an appointment with something called a doctor. Is this going to be scary? Let me get on to business now... who won?? Are you dying to know? I am. She's been pretty excited about this giveaway. Oh, just in case you are wondering, I left my hisser at the door!

Random.org picked......

And who might that be?????

Congratulations TracyM.... CSN will be contacting you with your $40 gift card to use in any of their online stores. Thank you CSN for sponsoring this giveaway.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

After dinner coffee (and last chance at the CSN $ giveaway!)

Won't you join us? Coffee is being served in the living room. There are even some Pepperidge Farm Chessmen out for a sweet treat. Oh you know I don't bake!

Well no, we don't always do this. I sort of hoped you'd be dropping in.

Yes, this china is really old. It belonged to my great-grandmother. According to my mother, it survived being bombed out twice in its lifetime. My mom is from Germany so the thought that anything survived is almost a miracle. Sadly I've only got one more cup - just for you.. so make yourself at home and we can chat a while. No there is just a mark on the bottom, no company name.

I agree that the glow from the antique nightlight is divine.  I inherited that from sweet husband's grandmother. Not a broken petal on the piece!

Have a cookie please. These cookies remind me of my grandmother's butter cookies. She made the best in the world. I think the cut-glass crystal dish is from sweet husband's grandmother too.

Oh how I love my silver. This tray belonged to my grandmother. There are some "Gluhwein" cups that go with it. I don't use those but in winter when the mulled wine is so good on a cold evening.

Those did come out of the garden. You know with the heat we've had, it's amazing that anything has survived. The white roses are off the rose 'tree' over there. Those wispy things are the Liriope blooms. We still have a few in bloom.

I agree that antique silver is the best thing! I wish I could look at it and read the stories. This piece was a gift from Corey Amaro - she lives in France you know.

I follow her blog religiously and it was a give away for guessing that the mysterious object she displayed was an antique pate de fois knife. Nope I don't have one to show you.. I just remembered what it was from childhood.

The little napkins.. yes those are antiques also. This was hand embroidered and crocheted by my grandmother.

 The runner is fairly new. I used Irish linen on which to embroider delicate, tone-on-tone designs all around.

I also pulled threads and did all the stitching on my machine to create the drawnthread work. The little flower stitch was stitched with a large needle using a decorative machine stitch (sewn on a Bernina).

Even the edging is done on a machine.

Well enough chatter, let's pour the coffee while it's still hot!

Thanks for dropping in, I love company. Leave a comment if you would.. and  enter for the CSN $40.00 giftcard give away!! Drawing to be held August 26th at 8pm!!!

For those that haven't entered yet, CSN is offering a wonderful $40.00 gift card giveaway. So how do you enter to win that great $40 gift certificate?? It's pretty easy. And you can earn up to three entries!
1. Go to the CSN stores and click here to the ORIGINAL post  and leave me a comment as to what item you would love to have. Notice that many items have free shipping! - one entry.
2. Become a follower (subscribe to posts) and let me know by leaving another comment on the ORIGINAL POST- entry #2.
3. Link back to THE ORIGINAL post on your blog - leaving me another comment - entry #3.

If you don't have a blog, be sure to leave me your email address on your entries so that CSN can contact the winner with their gift certificate!

I'm linking up to The wonderful hostess with the most-ess - Susan from Between Naps on the Porch. Click the picture below to transport yourself to many more wonderful tablescapes!

Thanks y'all and come back soon - don't forget to sign up for the giveaway that can be used at any one of their on line stores in the USA or Canada!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A picture, a lamp, a covered dish and an angel

Vignette - just what does that mean? According to Miriam-Webster:

Main Entry: 1vi·gnette
Pronunciation: \vin-ˈyet, vēn-\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French vignete, from diminutive of vigne vine — more at vine
Date: 1611
1 : a running ornament (as of vine leaves, tendrils, and grapes) put on or just before a title page or at the beginning or end of a chapter; also : a small decorative design or picture so placed
2 a : a picture (as an engraving or photograph) that shades off gradually into the surrounding paper b :
3 a : a short descriptive literary sketch b : a brief incident or scene (as in a play or movie)
the pictorial part of a postage stamp design as distinguished from the frame and lettering
vi·gnett·ist \-ˈye-tist\ noun

So how did a composition, an arrangement of items become known as such? I'll let you know when I figure it out.

As a side note: I love language and words - so I guess that makes me a linguaphile. However, that was not always the case. When I was young, I had a very hard time with English. The rules are inconsistent, very unlike German which is very pragmatic and rule driven And let's not forget that 'ough' has 10 different pronunciations. But somehow I persevered and can almost wax poetic in this language also!
 This is a favorite vignette of mine in our home. A little lamp salvaged from my husband's aunt, a favorite piece of china, and two angels. Some of my favorite things.

This lamp was destined to be sold or trashed and I knew I needed a small lamp. Believe me it was no looker when I picked it up. Plain Jane shade is an understatement. I kept the shade but made it a dress to spruce it up. Sewed up a tube, added some trim, slipped it over the original shade and gathered it on top with a ribbon. Tied a ribbon to the harp.

I added a sachet that I made and dec'd out with beads and silk ribbon flowers. The angel was is a very special gift from my friend Faith. It's a silver and brass candlesnuffer. Too cute!

This view shows off the sweet angel on this end. I found him in our grocery store!! yeah! He's perfect on the leaded glass antique bookcase that is being used to house drinkware.

He's blowing you a kiss.

Just for you my dear sweet reader friends.

The dish pattern is Burgenland by Villeroy & Boch. I love that it shows the beautiful countryside in Germany.

All beneath a signed Windberg print. Here's a great book about this "Artist of Texas".
I hope you enjoyed this brief visit. Stay tuned for a tablescape with the Burgenland china.Thanks for dropping in, I love company. Hugs...cya soon.

I am linking up with Color Outside the Lines.. a great blog I've discovered that Artie is most talented and most inspiring... And I was too late to link up last week, so this might be a re-run for some.. thanks for coming by, thanks for commenting.. I love company.



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