
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ferns and Roses Tablescape

Welcome! I'm delighted you came by. It just makes my day! 
Confession time: See those dinner plates..... Do you remember that I was cleaning and making room? They were in the Ebay/sale pile. WERE. That could change to ARE at the flip of a switch. Yessiree Bob. I was looking for something for our table Sunday evening. Those plates were sitting there, hollering at me, pick me pick me, I can make you change your mind!

So I pulled them onto the table. Added a bit of finery, oh I mean fern-ery. I think they like the north facing window in the hallway. I hope they keep liking it. A candle in a large glass urn filled with dried split peas.

See, it really looks quite cool in there. Gives me a pop of green color and a bit of texture. Personally, I just really love their color, or colors since they aren't all the same. 

Here's the beginning. Silver, an heirloom placemat and napkin, green glassware and a rustic nest charger from World Market. They could be one of the favorites of this summer.

 More favorites: the French hand-blown water glasses from Santa Fe and those darned Dollar Tree goblets are making another return appearance. 

I did go ahead and add the Bordallo cabbage salad plates. I love how the green of the plates brings out the green leaves on the dinner plates. They also allow the napkins to stand out. 

 The dinner plates came from TJMaxx, I used there HERE last October and HERE the April before. But they haven't been used much since. And I am cleaning out and making room. 
I'll let you know how that goes!!

The ferns and the glass urn with the candle inside is all the centerpiece needed to complete the table.

Old Company Plate silver, still one of my favs, really is a perfect accompaniment to the heirloom linens I found a long time ago at an estate sale. Drawn thread work, padded satin stitched flowers and a scalloped edge will loosen up the billfold every single time!

Pulled some green mercury glass votive holders to stand in for a flower pot for the ferns. The more green the merrier!

One thing about greens, as Alycia said last week when she showed us Mikasa Daylight's fabulous green leaves, it's best to meld the greens together instead of trying to match. After all, if you look in your yard, not all greens are the same and yet they go together so gloriously.

Hope the weather is good in your neck of the woods, we are due another freeze Thursday morning. So far, it's been adios tulips, then the next week adios wisteria, I'm covering everything this week!!!

The cast:
Linens - Heirlooms; Estate Sale
Silver - Old Company Plate; Estate sale and Ebay
Chargers - World Market
Dinner Plates - TJMaxx; Royal Stafford
Glasses - Santa Fe and Dollar Tree
Centerpiece urn - Home Goods

I'll be at the party over at Cuisine Kathleen's Let's Dish and at Susan's Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch. There are so many pretties on display, I hope to see you there!

So... should they stay or should they go?


  1. Sometimes I think about selling something, but as soon as I do, it will be the perfect element for one of my designs. I usually end up giving different sets to friends or to my kids. I figure that way I could always borrow them back if I wanted to use them again. LOL. your table is gorgeous as always. Love the dried split peas as a design element. Putting that in my file. We have a freeze coming tonight, too. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  2. We think alike, Marlis! Yes indeedy...those greens are all over the place in nature, so why not follow God's cue? It's good that you pointed out that people should take a look in their yards. That will really help people new to the fold to understand!

    I cannot believe you would consider for even a split second putting these beautiful dishes out to pasture! NO, Marlis...NO!!!!!!!! They are so pretty!!! Just think of all the things you can do with them! They love love them. It's a symbiotic relationship that cannot be put asunder!!!!!! Just think of all the good times you've spent here with this beautiful tablescape. You can't just throw those memories out the window like yesterday's dish water!!! KEEP THEM, Marlis! KEEP THEM!!!!!!!! :-)

    I love the split peas in the centerpiece candle arrangement. They work perfectly to add color, texture and verve. They almost look like a cobblestone pavement! Great choice to use the cabbage plates, too! They look terrific and bring out the greens in the lovely plates that YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET RID OF!!!!!!!! :-)

    Gorgeous table, Marlis! May I pin it?

  3. I say stay. I have a couple of boxes of California Poppy dishes that I love but decided I didn't need. I have not sold them and they have been in the boxes for quite some time. Lately, I have been wanting to use them, so they are coming out of the boxes and will once again be loved...a lot:)

  4. I think they are just begging to stay.. I really like them as there are so many colors to accent in your tablescape. I love your table..and cannot imagine having a freeze this late in the spring..we are done with is 85 today and tomatoes are blooming..
    stay warm..

  5. Roses and ferns make a really pretty spring table. The cabbage leaf plates are some of the most versatile plates I have seen, they seem to go with just about everything, thank goodness.
    Your linens are beautiful, Marlis.
    Have a great week...

  6. Beautiful, Marlis! I am such a sucker for lovely old linens - yours are a treasure. I hope your plates did change your mind about selling them! The ferns are a nice addition to the table - great job!

  7. Oh, I say STAY, Marlis! The plates are soooo pretty and look great with the ferns and the $ Tree goblets. I love the candle, too, with the split peas. The shadows on the table add such a dreaminess to your whole table.

  8. Your table is gorgeous Marlis. I wish I could get up high enough to do those aerial shots. Yours are wonderful.Do you stand on a chair or ladder?

  9. Beautiful table! I really love the heirloom linens and flatware!

  10. Oh Marlis, this is so pretty. I love how everything blends together. Don't give them up!!!

    Jocelyn @

  11. You are so right about green, Marlis. I love that color and it is very relaxing to the eye. You have so many lovely linens....Christine

  12. So pretty! Love the dinner plates too, perfect pairing with those you were going to...shh, you don't want to hurt their feelings! I would keep them!
    Lovely table, Marlis, the peas work so well!

  13. Wow! I love those plates. If you really do want to get rid of them let me know (but the postage would probably be a killer). They are beautiful. They are delicate but not so you feel like you can't touch.

    I went back and looked at the other two tables you did with them. The one in this post is my favorite. So beautifully paired with the chargers and cabbage. So, so pretty. This may be my fav of all time of yours!

    - The Tablescaper

  14. I think you should give them another chance, afterall, look what they did for your table! Those napkins are stunning!!!! Unbelievable in fact. I can only imagine how wonderful they must feel with all that texture. I hope you have a great week. Dianne

  15. Marlis, I am so glad you heard the little voices of those plates - they are stunning with the cabbage plates! Isn't that fun. I know, I know, you have to make room for others, but how fun that you used them again. This is such a fun table.

  16. Those plates are beautiful. I love the layers with the chargers and cabbage plates. It is all very nice.

  17. Beautiful Marlis! I love the rustic texture of the chargers paired with the delicate embroidered linens, shiny silver, and lacy texture of the ferns! I always enjoy seeing the sunlight dance across your table!

  18. Split peas filling a candle that! Seeing how lovely those dishes are on the table, I'm betting you keep them a while longer. I never thought about selling what I am tired of on Ebay which is certainly a good way to get a few dollars toward a new set of dishes.

  19. Marlis, your linen is gorgeous! No, it's exquisite! It was also perfectly paired with your dishes. I'm very grateful to you and Alycia for expounding on green. I struggled with this quite a bit on St. Pat's. Now I can relax and enjoy the variety of shades.

    I don't have nearly as many dishes as you, and I'm already thinking I need to trim my inventory, so I understand the struggle. I'd say these can go. They are lovely, but I need you to make room for new treasures!

  20. Charming plates..and I love the heirloom linens...just beautiful! Very pretty table!

  21. Beautiful table Marlis, I love what you said about mixing the greens as in nature. The cabbage plates look great with those fun dinner plates, and I love your mix of natural textures, very pretty!

  22. Marlis, I am laughing about using dishes from your ebay pile. I do that all of the time - have second thoughts. Somehow, everything looks better when it's in the pile to sell! You'd better not ask me about keeping dishes. I'll always vote yes. Plus, I really like those plates. They are so unique and really look pretty on this table. Your linens are gorgeous, and the little green ferns make a perfect centerpiece. I don't think I've seen ferns that small. They are so pretty. Good luck with your clean out. laurie

  23. Marlis,
    I vote "stay". I like the Rose on the side and the script. Green Portugese plates look great with them. Lovely table -- as always. Would love to look in your "pile" of things you are kicking out! Hugs, Colleen

  24. OMG Marlis..I hope you don't even think anymore about getting rid of the gorgeous dishes! Dishes are one thing I never get rid of, as they're like my dolls to play and have fun at my tables! Please don't send them away, lol.. Now, your table is gorgeous and your linen are SWOONnnnn....Yes, the green in nature is the most beautiful, plus green is the color of hope. Thank you for dropping by, you made my day. Have a super weekend.

  25. Your table is so pretty -- ferns and roses are the perfect pair!

  26. Beautiful table setting with those ferns.Pretty dishes as well and the white table mates are so lovely with those edges...:):)

  27. The table looks gorgeous! The ferns are the perfect accent, and I love the way you put the split peas in the candle holder, ... genius!

  28. Marlis, What a pretty fresh table. I love that you used the split peas in the candle. I'm going to use that idea too! You really have such beautiful pieces Marlis and we are all so blessed you share them with us!

  29. What pretty combinations of dishes that made a beautiful table setting.


  30. Marlis,
    I vote for stay, dear friend!!!
    They have a certain kind of charm and they go so well with your others!!!
    I adore your tablescape which is silently whispering~ Spring! Blending the greens harmoniously is exquisite! Your heirloom linens left me breathless!!!Thank you for sharing such a beautiful tablescape!!!


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis