
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees Tablescape

Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees is the monthly challenge from Cuisine Kathleen. I don't have dishes with birds on them (note to self: fix that), I sent the hibiscus flowered plates on their merry way to a new home up north, and anything with trees I had was either Christmas or winter. So I figured it was time to cheer us up and help us forget about our last freeze this past Thursday and Friday mornings! Fast forward 24 hours... and here we are a balmy 70. (Another promised freeze coming up Wednesday! I am so tired of hauling pots in and out.) But back to the table....

To attract bees, something sweet needs to be about. Lemons sous verre. Under glass. A beautiful wooden bowl, more of those split peas, some reindeer moss and lemons. All sous verre. 

And the bees appeared! Lemon colored bowls with a beehive design and a huge bee! Bees are good, they give us honey and feed mostly on pollen and nectar from plants. Bees range in size from 5/64" to 1.5". 

Sweet bees are most common in the Northern Hemisphere. One landed right here on the napkin rings that flew in from One Kings Lane last year. It fell for the yellow checked napkins from Pier One.

A lone geranium with it's single bloom, confiscated from the kitchen window sill, adds a wonderful pop of color to the table. The sweet bird couldn't resist joining this party. Direct from Ashtree Cottage, Susan and Bentley's charming home. So charming!!

No ladders or chairs for me. Hold the camera up high, point down, check the vari-angle view finder and shoot away. Yep, those are still pecans on the ground. I did pick them all up and they were all in the dumpster by 5pm! I know that is sad, but with 3 large pecan trees, we have more than I can possibly eat, give away or beg people to take. 

Once again, those nest chargers came out to play. I almost succumbed to the PB ones that are now on sale for less than 50% off, but resisted (oooh that sounds so noble!). I also pulled out the larger cabbage chargers to use as plates.

A yellow handled spoon completes the setting, that I found at Ross's, from Cambridge. But there is something new on the table.....

When I was picking up a couple of dozen margarita glasses from Dollar Tree, these glasses with lemons just plopped their chunky bodies into my basket. It was a horrible clatter wheeling those glasses down the aisles in a less than perfect shopping buggy. But I persevered!!

Tablecloth - yellow and white - very old.
Chargers - World Market
Cabbage chargers/plates - Bordallo Pinheiro
Yellow Bowls - Arte Florum
Flatware - Cambridge
Lemon Glasses - Dollar Tree
Napkins - Pier One
Napkin rings - One Kings Lane
Sweet Yellow Bird - Ashtree Cottage
Cloche - ???
Wooden Bowl - Germany
Do you think I covered the challenge?
Birds - From Ashtree Cottage 
Bees - Bowls and Napkin rings
Flowers - the single bloom on the geranium
Trees - set under the plum tree in the garden@

I'm joining Cuisine Kathleen for her Let's Dish party on Wednesday evenings. 
Then, I'll be popping over to Susan's Tablescape Thursday on Thursday mornings!
I hope to see you there!


  1. Yes Marlis, you certainly rose to the challenge! You covered everything. Those bee bowls are so adorable and how did I miss those pretty lemon glasses at my $Tree?? I love how you always persevere in your shopping experiences! You always put a smile on my face. Happy Spring!!

  2. Heck, yes, you nailed it!!! You were all over it!!! This is so intimate and pretty! I love the bee touches! I saw those lemon glasses in Dollar Tree yesterday and thought how cute they were. Didn't buy them. No space. I know what you mean about those "less than perfect" buggies they have in their stores. :-) I love the yellow & white napkins and the way they work so beautifully with the green on the table.

    I wonder if pecan trees grow in the Midwest? I know we have black walnut trees all over the place and, like you, my parents could never keep up with the amount of nuts they produced. I'm so sorry I don't live closer because I would be motoring straight over to your house with my bag BEGGING to pick some!!!

  3. I wanted to climb right into the picture where you introduced the basket just rang peaceful afternoon for me. Beautiful. My grandparents used to have pecan trees. They only produced the fruits every other year, and we adored filling sacks full of pecans. Still my favorite nut. The
    Reman yellow bowl is outstanding. I only really have flowers to offer to Kathleen's challenge. She may toss me out of the party. Sigh. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  4. Marlis,
    Well...dear's to the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees...all the things I LOVE!!!
    Amazing bee napkin rings!!! Love those yellow and white checked napkins!!! But I'm quite smitten with your bee bowls!!! Bee things are so very hard to find!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. oooo Marlis, I love your Lemony delight. The colors are so perfect for your outdoor setting!

    Jocelyn @

  6. Wow, you covered it all! Love Love Love your yellow bee bowls and all the yellow with the red geraniums. Super cute!

  7. Marlis, I can tell you are always up to a a challenge! The bee bowls are so darn cute. I hope you will soon be done with freezing temps very soon. Happy Spring!

  8. Beautiful outdoor table, Marlis. I love the bee bowls and I was just admiring those same napkin holder stat Diane's, so pretty. Pretty colors!....Christine

  9. Marlis,
    I just love your table of just shouts hospitality..
    Love, Mona

  10. Such a beautiful table, love the bee bowls best, but it's all beautiful. We had one pecan tree with can't keep up with, I can't imagine dealing with three! :) Pam

  11. Marlis, we used the same napkin rings - love it! You outside table wins, though! Love all of the lemons - yellow is such a happy and springtime color. Beautiful!

  12. You nailed it Marlis! I love love love those yellow bee bowls!! Very cute, love the location under the tree!

  13. You hit the nail on the head with all the theme. I only got the flowers because I have been on a little blogging break. I could have easily added birds but don't think I have a thing with bees.

    I love to read what you write. You have a sense of humor and I always learn something from you. Your tables always make me smile and I quickly click on your posts.

    Have a great week, Marlis.

  14. Hi Marlis, Well, you covered all the bases with this table. It's wonderful and I love all the details, but I number 1 on my list of favorites is those lemon glasses. I promise I will be headed to Dollar Tree on Fri to nab some for myself. I also love the yellow checked napkins. Dianne

  15. You sure did meet the challenge. Fabulous! Your bowls are my favorites. They might match my jar. Lol. Great table and pictures.

  16. What a beautiful setting for a tablescape. I think you covered birds, bees, flowers and trees quite nicely, Marlis...the bee bowls look terrific on the cabbage plates.
    Have a great week...

  17. Marlis, Your table under your pecan trees is so lovely! I love the green and yellow hues with the nest chargers as the background for your plate and bowl. The lemons are an inspiration with the green moss in the cloche for your centerpiece. You certainly have the theme of Spring even with the swing of the temperatures in our forcasts. Hope your plants can stay in the garden and there will not be another temperature freeze here in Texas. We have gone from air conditioning back to heating the house but we will see what the weather changes to next. I always enjoy your tablescapes!


  18. Beautiful setting among the pecan trees! You know I love the yellow, which is my favorite color! Nice job!


  19. Hey Marlis, what a lovely table!! I'm so impressed that you soldiered on and managed to get those cute glasses home in one piece. Worth the effort, I'm sure!

  20. Good morning, Marlis!

    How lovely to visit with you and see the beautiful table you have set under the tree with the warmth of the sun dappling through. The cheery yellow with green accents work so well!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  21. Wonderful table...the colors are perfect for spring. I love all of it!

  22. Hey Marlis! I love it! I especially love your cute bee bowls and napkin rings. The yellow checkered napkins top it all off perfectly. So sorry to hear about those pecans going to the way side. It's a shame there isn't a pecan dealer near you who you could sell or trade them off too. I do understand though as my grandmother had pecan trees as well. I remember always having to go pick up some pecans whenever we visited and they were everywhere! Have a great day!

  23. I think you most definitely covered the challenge! I love all the bees that you managed to lure to your table. Since yellow is what I have dubbed my "life color", everything on this one speaks to me.

    And the lemon glasses. I must find some lemony glasses for breakfast settings. I don't know why I think they're breakfasty, but I do. I am going to go to our DT looking for some. (Really... as in today.)

  24. If you table is any indication, I can see that spring has come to west Texas. The bees are going to have a really hard time getting to the sweetness that is under glass so I hope they find their nectar elsewhere. A lovely, cheery table.

  25. I adore those Bee-utiful bowls and napkin rings! Wonderful dappled sunlight from your plentiful pecan tress!

  26. I am still coveting your great chargers. This table is so pretty. Love those bee bowls. You did a great job of covering the entire theme of Let's Dish. laurie

  27. Once again Marlis, you saw a challenge and beat it down! I love your setting for this table. Oh to be outside dining at this table would be so nice. I saw those glasses at DT last weekend. They look so much prettier on your table than on the shelf. I may have to go back and a few, or 6 ;-)Have a great weekend friend!

  28. What a lovely tablescape! I think you nailed it! I love the screams Spring to me. I love the outdoor setting so calm & beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
    Blessings My Friend,

  29. Spot on Marlis. I love the yellow bowls with the bees and the napkin rings great. Oh heck, I love everything. Love the lemons under cloche. You know, those lemon slice glasses jumped in my cart also. Gotta love Dollar Tree for glasses.
    Have a blessed Sunday, Ginger

  30. So pretty, Marlis and set in the great outdoors too. Love the bee theme, and those napkin rings are so cute!
    I have to go back and give it all another look.
    Thanks so much for taking the challenge! Any ideas for May?

  31. PS, I had those lemon glasses but I knocked them off the table in the basement with my big butt! Now I only have one! :(


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis