
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Steak au Poivre sous les arbres tablescape

Welcome to dinner! Glad you could drop by this evening. So sorry this is a re-run. However, it's what I want to be doing Sunday evening. Smelling the charcoal, hearing the steaks sear, enjoying the spring weather. But first ------------ we could have snow Wednesday morning. With below freezing temperatures. All the plants are brought in, the newly planted lilac covered. Bring 'er on!
And with the dust preceeding the cold front today.. there was NO WAY I could set the planned table outside.


I started with this wonderful striped table cloth purchased at Pier One about 2 weeks ago. I love the texture of the raised stitches. The colors are wonderful for a somewhat more rustic meal.

I used a real English ivy to add a bit of life to the table. Isn't the dappled sunlight great?

I was even able to add my new William Bounds Pep Art pepper mill to the table.

I've wanted this pepper mill for a long time. And thanks to Tuesday Morning, it now lives at our home.

I tend to leave smaller plants in their generic planters so that I can use them as I want by changing the outer decorative planter so it fits into the desired location.

Add a bit of moss or other filler to the top of the pot to fill the area between generic pot and decorative planter.

The brassware belonged to my mother in law. I believe her sister sent it to her from overseas when her husband was stationed in the orient.

It has these beautiful figural motifs on each piece. Labeled Siam, they are from the country now known as Thailand. From what we could tell, these pieces were probably made between 1945-1949.

Oh how I love napkins. Two Saturday's ago, I actually 'cataloged' our napkins. Husband was a bit dumbfounded to walk out of the shower and see the king sized bed full of neat little piles of nothing but napkins! I collect them here and there. The side benefit to all this organization is that they are now put up quite neatly in cabinets, only fingertips away from a table!

These napkins started out as hemstitched pieces of cotton. I decided that they needed a bit more texture. I chose to whip stitch the hemstitched area with some twisted floss.

The hurricane candle holder has a story to tell. We lost the original insert that belongs between the base and the lid at some point in our last move. The move gremlins must have snatched it up and made it their own! So in need of something that would work, I grabbed a vase and it fits perfectly.

Back out came the favorite hand-blown French glasses.

Do you love kosher or sea salt? Finding it hard to put it in a salt shaker with an opening large enough? Rescue a little jar destined for the trash.

My mother in law was going to throw this out. But that was not meant to be. I took this beauty and knew it would be perfect to house salt. The wooden spoon came with it!

At some point, I believe it held mustard. French of course!

The wooden plates are also part of the wonderful things I have from my mother in law. Triangular in shape, they hold a metal plate in the lower portion and have an indention at the top for a salad.

The metal plate is placed in the oven before dinner to warm up. Perfect for steaks or anytime you want to make a special special presentation and have the food do an extra sizzle when placed on the hot plates!

Not quite sure what the story is on why there are two different metal plates and they are not interchangeable. Each teak underplate is made for a specific metal plate. I do use a wood preservative meant for cutting boards (so food safe) to maintain the beauty of the wooden plates.

Love the look of the Mexican star in the background. Too bad it gets dark so late that unless we want to eat at 10pm in the summer, it's hard to get the total affect of the candles and lights.

Mmmm, dinner is served.. baked potato with butter, chives and sour cream. Steak au poivre medium rare. Baby portabella mushrooms deglazed with red wine.

And a green salad with French vinaigrette. There has to be something healthy on the plate?

Thanks for dropping by, I hope you had a nice visit. Do come again, I love company.

Luckily dinner was served soon as Regan was very interested in the table cloth! 
Note how tiny - and pure white - Regan was in 2010!

Thanks for dropping by, I love your comments. I am linking this to Cuisine Kathleen's Wednesday evening's Let's Dish and to Susan's Tablescape Thursday. See all y'all there!



  1. This was truly a family table with all the family pieces used in this lovely table scape. Your picture reminds me of my precious little Siamese who lived to be 18. His name was Jasper because he was found in a road side park in Jasper, Texas:)

  2. I love this table, it's unique Marlis, with such interesting elements and colors, as your pepper mill is, as I collect them too. Your kitten is a cutie and the food is making me HUNGRY at 10am, lol! Pretty stripe table topper for this table, brings everything together perfectly! Hugs,

  3. I heard you might be getting snow! How odd, when WE finally have some warm days.

    That pepper mill is truly a work of art. I must send a link to this, so my brother in Kerrville, TX can see it. I bet he could make one on his lathe...he is a member of the TX Turners.

    I think it is so appropriate that you picked a tablecloth with so many wonderful STITCHES!!! PERFECT for you!

    Stay Warm Hugs,

  4. This is from back just before I got to know you, so it's new to me! The great thing is that everything you used to create it is timeless and perfect for the occasion. I LOVE that flatware from Thailand!!!! Oh, my goodness,'s so beautifully crafted!!! It is so unique in every way from the gentle curve to the fabulous design on the handle. Wow!!!

    That was a very clever way you went about revitalizing that hurricane, and Spring is a good time to remind everyone that instead of trashing something because it's not the same way you bought it...figure out a creative way to recycle and refresh it!

    I love the deep, rich colors used on the table with the white accents to keep it light. And I agree...the smell of charcoal beats the smell of whatever this is that we're calling Spring this year ANY DAY! (I'm looking at a big red male cardinal playing in the tree outside my office window right now. I'm sure he's wondering what's up with the weather, too!) We've had violent thunderstorms the last couple of days, it's raining & dreary today, and that same cold weather that's coming your way is moving in as we speak. Supposed to get down to freezing or below the next couple of nights. SPRING!!! Whare ARE you??!?!?!?!?!?

  5. Marlis, it's cold and rainy here today. I returned from an early appointment and pulled out my ski jacket with's its cozy warmth and hood. My rain coat didn't cut it today. I had planned to work in the garden tomorrow morning. Will see what the weather does.
    Beautiful table setting. It's wonderful that you have these treasures from your mother in law. I once had a set of flatware that my brother sent me from Thailand when he was stationed there in the 60s. One of the things that got lost in our move to this house almost 20 years ago. Glad you shared this one again. It's worth a repeat! ~ Sarah

  6. Marlis,
    Oh, how nice it would be to have nice weather again, dear friend!!! We, too, have a dinner planned soon and I fear our guests will have to wear Trench coats and boots!!! Today its 30 degrees and from our rain last night, we are under a cover of ICE!!!
    I love the casual appeal of your table with its vibrant color palette!!! The ivy centepiece with your DIY hurricane is simply gorgeous and the sunlight warmed my heart and soul today!!! Love the stemware and the unique flatware, too! Those are certainly unique steak plates with such a YuMMy looking menu!!! Hope the weather permits for a lovely evening dining under the stars, dear friend!!!

  7. I am happy for the rerun since I missed it the first time! There are so many wonderful things going on here! I love your pepper mill and the items you got from your MIL. Those wooden trays with the metal plates are so perfect for a steak dinner and yours certainly looks delicious! I hope it won't be too long before you can enjoy your patio this year. 85 at my house today!

  8. I am happy for the rerun since I missed it the first time! There are so many wonderful things going on here! I love your pepper mill and the items you got from your MIL. Those wooden trays with the metal plates are so perfect for a steak dinner and yours certainly looks delicious! I hope it won't be too long before you can enjoy your patio this year. 85 at my house today!

  9. Brrrr, it's cold in the DFW area, too, Marlis! We had to wear our winter coats today.
    I'm glad you had a re-run of your pretty table. Don't you have some wonderful things from your dear MIL? Those wooden trays with the metal plates are great. I love the pepper mill and your repurposed jar into salt container.
    Dinner looks great...I'll bring dessert!!

  10. You know Marlis, some people really hate reruns, but I don't. It gives us a chance to catch something we might have missed and even if we did see it before, it gives us a chance to look at it again, from a different light. Love that flatware. So different, so interesting.

    We just had two glorious days in NY and now it's black and thundering and pouring rain. Tomorrow - COLD! I'm wishing you better weather.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  11. Marlis~ I never mind your reruns! Love your colorful striped cloth and your alfresco table! Dinner looks delicious! I so hope you don't have snow, our spring has been a roller coaster ride too.

  12. Love this table, wish it were warm enough to eat is cold and rainy...sun by Friday and Saturday, but no really warm weather in the next 10 days.
    That pepper grinder is truly a piece of cool art!
    Have a great week, Marlis...

  13. Just love your table! The pepper mill is wonderful, gotta love Tuesday Morning! My favorite is the brassware that belonged to your mother-in-law from Siam, how cool is that! Thanks for visiting my Let's dish setting. Pam

  14. KC's Atticus Finch started out our white just like Regan, and when mature, he looked much like your Regan looks now. Those wood underplates with the fitted pewter grill plates are outstanding. What a treasure! Our ice is melting rapidly, and we're expecting perfect weather for the weekend. Gotta love our neck of the woods. Your table is gorgeous, and it's new to me, so I'm thrilled that you replayed it. Cherry Kay

  15. I'm so glad you brought this back out for me to see! I didn't even have the foggiest idea what a tablescape WAS a few years ago, so I'm thrilled to be able to see it now. It looks great! I love that great tablecloth and the meal also looks like it was wonderful. The pepper mill is super and your kitty is also so cute!!!

    Thanks for sharing this! Have a great week!!! =D

  16. Marlis, I forgot to comment on the mustard pot. I've got a small collection of French mustard pots. Good thing you rescued this one from being tossed out. These little pots were hand painted and are very collectable. '-)

  17. Your steak is mouth watering, Marlis. Beautiful table, so original! I remember you telling me about having the Siam flaware too. I love mine and I should use them more often. I cannot believe you are going to have freezing temps again. Hope it is not that bad...Christine

  18. I don't mind the repeat as I hadn't seen it before! Everything goes together so well, the table cloth, napkins, pepper mill, etc! Love the unique brass flatware. You are making me want a steak!


  19. Marlis - that flatware is "something"!! I could not take my eyes off of it. Of course, I did take time to look at everything else on your pretty table. I thought the extra time you spent decorating your napkins really paid off. The tablecloth is wonderful!

  20. I love this table! That flatware is gorgeous...the meal looks great, too. Wonderful, as always!

  21. Beautiful setting for a delicious meal! The wooden plates are so unique. And your pepper mill is so unique! Looks like it was an enjoyable dinner!

  22. I love the tablecloth. I can see a lot Fiesta matching with it perfectly. Love your solution to the centerpiece and the jar you saved.

  23. I missed this first time around and I love your repurposing that mustard pot! A very pretty table and a wonderful looking dinner!

  24. Wow Marlis, what a meal..Steak Au Poivre is one of my favorite. And what a perfect table for this meal. I love the colors. They remind me of Argentina. That brassware is truly spectacular.

  25. I remember this Marlis, so lovely!
    It just sparked a conversation about where our sizzler platter with wooden base went.
    We haven't seen it since we moved over 10 yrs ago! It could still be boxed up in the garage, or not! :)


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis