
Friday, March 22, 2013

Welcome Spring

I welcome Spring! With open arms. With baited breath. 
With my whole being.

Tree, Saturday Morning.

Tree, Saturday Afternoon.
If I hadn't had pictures, I couldn't prove it!

There are so many bad things said about elms.
But I love their color.
Their bark.
Their fluttering leaves.

 Clearing out old shrubs that had been
neglected enough to become wannabe trees!

Snow drops.
I have an affection for these.
This year they bloomed with abundance.

Work commenced on the Cantina.
Our son has done so much work around here!
What a blessing.
I can't wait till it's finished.

The last of the Narcissus.
This fall, I think I'll plant some with white and orange.

ps.. most of these pictures were taken with my cell.

Happy Spring!!!


  1. You are so is still snowing here in central NY! We had about 4" last night! Amazing how the blooms opened up so quickly on your tree - what a beauty! Enjoy your lovely weather.

  2. Your trees are beautiful. I couldn't believe how quickly they flowered.
    I love spring with all the plants peaking out of the ground and blooming.
    Do't work to hard in the yard. Have a great weekend.

  3. Marlis, that's amazing how quickly those blooms opened. All the red bud trees and flowering fruit trees are in bloom here. A friend has a peppermint peach that has the most precious peppermint candy pink blooms. I'm going to try to find one to plant in our garden. Enjoy this beautiful weather..........Sarah

  4. Holy Wow Marlis, that tree is amazing! No wonder they always look like they blossom overnight, they really do! Awesome, loved it!

  5. Marlis,
    The tree is such a marvelous display...all in one day!!!
    I love the white with yellow center Narcissus!!!
    Today, while cutting back some grasses for bird's nest...I noticed the sedum is coming through the soil, as is the salvia! Green is such a welcome sight on our drought riddened Prairie!
    Happy Spring, dear friend!!!

  6. No spring here yet. Out winter came late and has decided to stay around for a while. I've decided that since I don't have spring outside, I can bring it inside with flowering plants!

  7. Oh my, the flowers are popping out beautifully, specially the white with yellow narcissus, dear Marlis. You have a wonderful son, working away in the garden! Enjoy a lovely spring sunday, sweetie.

  8. Oh I wish we were welcoming Spring in our area but instead we received 6 inches of snow over the weekend so not looking too much like Spring.


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis