
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Advent Calendar 2012 - a Daily Journal

My friend Stacy and I got together back in November. Had us a play date! What a fabulous time we had. Spent the day creating a "journal" made from various papers to be bound with rings.

Might be too late this year, but you could plan on one for next year.

It is so much fun to look back at previous Decembers and see what you were doing, thinking or buying.

We actually had a rule - do not buy anything.. use what you have. Still had too many things from which to chose.

Small pieces of ribbon are perfect for a project such as this one.

This is a perfect chance to use all those stamps you buy, oh I know you do. ;-)

Saving this page for our anniversary. On the 30th. 38 years. Surprises even me.

I wish you delightful record-keeping. Or just picture taking. Or note making. and a Happy Season!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marlis, Lovely pages and idea. What a great way to keep the memories. Congratulations on your anniversary.

    The French Hutch


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