
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Advent Calendar 2012 - Pinecone Tablescape

Can you believe that last Saturday evening we ate outside? In December? Yes!!! We. Did. 

 We have patio heaters, so it was no biggie. But it wasn't cold. 

Fast forward to Monday morning. There was a dusting of snow on the ground. And it was 16 degrees.

Now, I'm sitting by a roaring fire, have a warm drink, and feeling winter invade come gracefully into my December!

Pulled out the winter sweaters and shoes this morning.

Now back to Saturday...

Red glasses just say Christmas don't they? Want to know more about the "crystal"?

I saw the "crystal" first on one of fav blogs - Sandi Coughlin's Reluctant Entertainer. One glass is featured in her blog banner. So now it's your turn... guess from which delectable store I might have purchased 24 of these?  I'll tell you later, meanwhile, guess again.

I brought out the instant centerpiece - my pine picket fence box filled with candles, rocksalt snow and greenery. 

Oh I had a moment of weakness a couple of weeks ago. Amazon to the rescue. New flatware... I needed wanted something red. It always cheers me up!

I absolutely adore pinecones!!

So when I found these pieces at Tuesday Morning about a month ago, they saw me coming, jumped from the shelves into my basket. A set for 12. I rarely see 12 of anything there.. but there they were. 12 plates, 12 salads, 12 soups, only 6 bowls (frown), serving pieces... and these salt and peppers. They held me hostage until i was past the checker and were out in my car. 

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. You believe me, right?

Each plate has a slightly different edge design. OOh, luv them all! 
And the "charger".... a dollar wreath from ooh yeah, same place as the crystal. Guess yet?

I really was pleased with this table. Green. Red. White.


Dinner, salad, soups, serving pieces and s&p - Certified International
Wreaths used as chargers - Dollar Tree
Flatware - Cambridge Silversmiths, Amazon
Red bubble glass goblets - Stein Mart
Napkins - Ralph Lauren
Napkin Rings - Kohl's
Centerpiece - built by my talented son, decorated by moi
Perfect weather - well it really isn't mother nature...

Thank you for dropping in. I treasure your visit always. I'll be partying over at 
Glasses - oh yeah.. did you guess? Dollar Tree. yes. Dollar Tree.


  1. Marlis, I'm a HUGE fan of pine cones and plaid, so you know I'm loving this tablescape. I think your napkins are the same plaid that my table runners are.I can see why your dishes "held you hostage"...they would have me too. Love the wreath place mats. Great idea Thanks so much for all the inspiration.

  2. Simply gorgeous, Marlis! That last photo, especially, is magazine-worthy! I really love the plaid napkins, new red flatware, and the evergreen touches!

  3. This is so pretty! Gotta love pine cones and plaid! So Christmasy and woodsy... I can almost smell the pine

    Love your new dinnerware and "crystal". How creative to use wreaths for chargers! Love the centerpiece box, too!

  4. When "Mother Nature" cooperates, it really makes me happy! It is the rare treat that those of us not living in states like California or Florida get to enjoy dining outdoors in the winter months. It would pretty much never happen here in Kansas City, but I sure would be thrilled if it did!!! LOVE the centerpiece (you are going to get decades of great use out of that box!!!), LOVE the dishes (they held you hostage...should I call "America's Most Wanted"??!?!), LOVE the napkin fabric, fold and placement, and, of course, gotta love the Dollar Tree stemware!!! That place is the hot diggity bomb! You pulled together a gorgeous table, Marlis!

  5. Beautiful Marlis! I spied those dishes at Tuesday Morning and oohed and aahed but I'm regretting it! They're beautiful paired with the plaid & pine cones and will transition perfectly to winter! I can't believe your goblets are from Dollar Tree!! They're beautiful mixed with red!

  6. I love the plates Marlis.
    Beautiful outdoor table!

  7. You're so cute! I love reading how you were held hostage at Tuesday Morning. Ooh I love $ Tree, too. I showed my dear hubby your box centerpiece today because he brought home some barn wood and I told him what I want done with it. Thanks for the ideas and inspiration.

  8. Hi Marlis,
    Love this warm, inviting table. Those new dishes were very smart to hold you hostage! You really needed to have them to make this table perfect. Those red bubble glasses are wonderful. Dianne

  9. marlis, i love everything about this table. but esp the dishes!!! soooo cute. i am down with a badly broken right wrist, so all my decorations, tables and quilting are out of the picture for a while. wishing you a very merry and blessed Christmas.


  10. Wow, Marlis -- you're having some interesting weather this week!!! I know this is dumb, but I just don't typically think of it snowing in Texas. Shows what I know; we haven't had one flake here in our part of North Carolina this year.

    Your table is just great for December. I, too, love pine cones (and plaid)! Those pine cone dishes are the bomb, and I love your pine cone napkin rings!!

    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week! Visiting from Let's Dish.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  11. This is all so wonderful. We are covered (still) in snow but the roads are now passable. It actually got warmer today, but we are in for some more on Friday and Saturday. I saw those dishes here in TM yesterday, I think. I can check on the bowl if you like.

  12. Wow Marlis those are great dishes! I can see why you couldn't walk away from them! Your instant centerpiece box is great! I'm jealous that you can be outside like that! We would be unable to talk because our teeth would be chattering too much! LOL..
    Love ted and your new flatware looks great! The plaid napkins and pinecone napking rings are the perfect touch! Very pretty stemware!

  13. Oh, I like this table very much...the dishes are really pretty...they look like white washed terracotta. I ♥♥♥ your picket fence many possibilities in dressing it up.

  14. I love the Dollar Tree and all their bargains! When coming back through Shreveport while on a trip, I saw the crystal at the Libbey outlet store. I believe you got a better deal at the dollar store but the outlet has a variety of choices. Your pinecone china is wonderful with your wreaths/chargers and lucky you found so many pieces of the china pattern at Tuesday Morning! I have enjoyed the warm weather and it was a shock to go from warm to very cold tempatures in such a short perioc of time. I always enjoy your tablescapes.

    Thanks, Pam

  15. This is beautiful! I like the rustic box, it's perfect! Neat to use wreaths as chargers under the plates!
    Well done!

    Merry Christmas!


  16. Those plates are so beautiful, Marlis. I really like the raised design. The temp here changes so abruptly too, one day it's sunny and 72 degrees, next day is 32....Christine

  17. Marlis, I LOOOVE this table. Those pinecone dishes are so fab! Love the napkin with the dishes, and of course I love the red goblets that brighten any table. I need some red flatware too. Love your centerpiece box...oh, the things you can do with it. Such a fun holiday table. Joni

  18. You are sooooo bad. I most certainly that you were held hostage. That has often happened to me. Also, because of your bad influence I have to make another trip to the Dollar Tree and I will have to rip out my neighbors picket fence.
    Your table is so lovely. The pinecone dishes are awesome and yes, you were fortunate to find a setting for 12. Had you been a couple of hours later I am sure the outcome would have been different.
    It was 80 degrees in Savannah a couple of days ago. If it snows, I would consider it a miracle.
    Merry Christmas, Ginger

  19. Oops, I really believed you were held hostage!!

  20. I wanted those glasses but I just don't have the room. I understand how the dishes held you hostage! LOL. Your table looks cozy and very inviting. I saw a few of those dishes at my Tuesday Morning! Very nice. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  21. Everything looks festive and beautiful. Seeing your red glasses makes me yearn for some! Susan

  22. Love, love, love!!! It is all perfect! The pine cones, the plaid, the flatware, the "crystal!" Love it all!!!

  23. Love your table and such a find with the dishes. Love the pine cones and plaid, wish the red flatware was on my table but I sure like it on yours. Beautiful!

  24. Marlis,
    Love your pine cone and red tartan plaid tablescape,dear friend!!! Your dinnerware is EXACTLY what I've been looking for...Tuesday Mornings, huh??? Thanks, I'll check them out this week!!!

  25. Spectacular! Love the plaid napkins! I am so into all the plaid this year. Pottery Barn has a yummy ton! Your new dishes are wonderful. I love the white, and that pine cones transfer to other times of the year too. Especially cabin life! The reds just perk it all up beautifully. I'm with you--lovin' the mild winter. We had some cozy fires when it got cold a few days ago, and that's nice too! Glad to see you enjoying the season!

  26. That centerpiece is so versatile! Yup. Those dishes would have held me hostage as well. I'm very fond of pine cones, too! In Spring and Summer, I go for walks in areas with a lot of freshly fallen pinecones and I never fail to return home with my pockets stuffed with the most beautiful cones, which I then save for the holidays.

  27. Gorgeous, gorgeous! I love those dishes; you will be able to use them for so many occasions. What a great find.

  28. I adore this tablescape...the new dishes are superb. I'll look at our Tuesday Mornings to see if I can find more of the bowls. Dang...I haven't been there in quite a while....Rats! Unintended consequences. It's been glorious here, too, but this evening we are experiencing cold again and expecting some much needed rain. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Merry Christmas! Cherry Kay

  29. Marlis, I love your table. Crazy about your wreath chargers and plaid napkins! Great dishes, red goblets and red silverware and neat centerpiece for a great tablescape.

  30. Oh Marlis, I love your gorgeous outdoor pinecone table. The dishes are wonderful...those nasty things. I have had dishes do the exact same thing to me!! ;0)I just got some old barn boards from hubby's grandmothers farm. Our plan is to make a box like yours. Wishing you a most blessed Christmas.

  31. Well....pinecones......plaid.....rustic wood centerpiece......and let's not forget to mention those awesome new dishes!!! I loooooove it!!! Don't be alarmed of being taken over by dishes and rushed out of the store. It happens!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  32. Hi Marlis, I don't know how I missed this table! I love pinecones and my family knows I will stop and pick up unusual ones or perfect ones wherever we go! Those dishes are gorgeous and I can only wish they spied me before they spied you and climbed into your cart! I only get to go to Tuesday Morning when we are in Maine--and we're going this weekend. Your table is beautiful with the plaid and the pinecones. I would like some of those porch heaters. We could really extend our outdoor season. Right now the deck is covered in snow and it's really cold here. Happy New Year! Linda


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis