
Monday, August 15, 2011

Albany, Texas - a trip to the past

Albany Texas. At the intersection of Hwy 180 and Hwy 283. They claim to be the oldest town on the Northwest Frontier.. hello have they looked at a map? Oh well, who am I to dispute their claim. In 1874, settlers sought law and order apart from Fort Griffin. They moved the courthouse to the new town of "Albany". First they built a jail and then the courthouse.. I love driving through here on the way to Dallas. Nope, we don't take the Interstate, too busy, too many cars, to much rush rush rush.

There is always something going on in this town! Always. This day in June it was the Fandangle. Whatever that is.. it was an afternoon of fun. 

They were getting ready for an evening of entertainment, food and more fun!

However, I wasn't staying that late.. so it was beat the heat (104 in the shade) and hit the stores around the square.. This store was decked out in vintage wedding.. Look at the gorgeous veil. 

What a lovely wedding dress. Oh gosh the hours it took to  make this. seeing this lace was mind boggling. So beautiful. It wasn't in the best condition anymore.. but nothing that couldn't be fixed.. Wonder if they would let me fix it??

Cute decor was all up and down the sidewalk.

I am such a sucker for yard art.. but I passed this up. 

I went into one dress store and saw this.. this being the cash register. Not sure what the date was on this, but the young lady said it belonged to her granddaddy and she was still using it today. 

I passed on the wrought iron andirons in a decorator shop. I sent my sweet husband a text message to get his final say so (he has visions of another style) and now I'm so disappointed I didn't just pick them up. 
I did buy a blue and white metal spackleware baking sheet (way cool) - do I need to go back and get the dishes?  And I brought home some salt and peppers! 

If you ever have a chance. explore your surroundings, take a side trip, get unconnected. Life is a blast!

Thanks so much for dropping in and spending your time with me. I appreciate your visit and look forward to your comments. Hugs,


  1. What a cute little town. How wonderful that you were able to take the time to look around. You were able to get some great shots! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Looks like a great and fun trip. I love the architecture. Very Victorian (Vicy as I always say). Those old towns always have claims. Thanks for stopping by. Jane

  3. What a neat town. It reminds me of a western movie....Christine

  4. Looks like a fun place to visit. That cash register is a beauty, and how wonderful that it belonged to her grandfather and she's still using it. And oh my word, that wedding dress - gorgeous. Thanks for the tour, Marlis. I enjoyed it. laurie


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis