
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Heirloom Sewing in Texas - part 7a

This category (everything that didn't fit in 1-6) is HUGE!! So I'm breaking it up into 3 parts. I value your visit and your time commitment. You can thank me later , he he. 

Goodness you must  enlarge this photo and look at the precision in every stitch on this piece. Wow!

This is laid gold thread stitched, or tacked down, to create a design. Even the tacking threads (are they called that?) are so extremely precise. I'm so impressed. Oh yeah, this was a winner.

Look at the darling pockets on this sweet, sweet dress!

Can you see the squares? Each square is embroidered independently. Then the pieces are sewn back together to create the larger quilt. Soo pretty. Terrific use of color, don'tcha think?

Love this purse.. it reminds me of the one that my BFF from Huntsville, AL made. Check out the post HERE. I love those wonderful died laces. Looks like they came from Gloria McKinnon, a crazy piecer extraordinaire. Do ya sometimes think those south of the equator got all the talent??

Such a darling cross-over bodice dress. Lovely assortment of laces!

Not sure, i think this was crocheted.. so textural.. yummy!

The lady who made the bedding was telling me her husband made the bed from scratch. Aren't both just divine?

This is the precious little one that belongs to the bed.. I believe that is her wardrobe behind her too. Wow.

 A darling dress with overcoat!

 A beautiful silk dress on this lovely creation!

Pintucks, and tucks and a lovely hat.. Isn't this a lovely creation?

Please, please enlarge this lovely picture. You won't be sorry. Everything including many of the trims are all hand made. 

So do you think this won? What do you think? yep.... a winner and I believe Best of Show too!

And this doll too - a winner! Oh these were just so beautiful it could make you cry!

Thanks for dropping in today. So glad you did. I hope you'll leave a comment so I know you were here. I pray for many blessings for all y'all!


  1. Marlis, I really admire those who are artists in sewing and needlework. I sew, but poorly, and still I understand the enormous amount of work involved in making these treasures. Love doll #725, the one holding the little doll.
    I just saw your last post on your silver pattern, so I'm headed back to look at that.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. So beautiful! Why, oh, why must this be so rare nowadays!

  3. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. The level of skill and precision these seamstresses have is truly incredible! That quilt is amazing!

  4. Makes me want to play with dolls again. Thanks for sharing these,

  5. Oh my word! I can't imagine the number of hours involved in these doll dresses~ #725 especially is a work of art! What a labor of love~

  6. Hi Marlis,
    Every post you have done about this show makes me want to attend. Is it an annual show? Dianne

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    I love all the Beautiful Dolls..
    So sweet just like you.
    XXOO Diane

  8. Beautiful Marlis. I have enjoyed these posts so much!

  9. Hi Marlis! What a wonderful show!These costumes just show what a labor of love they are. I have always loved doll clothes, and there are some astonishing samples here. Did I meet your friend Jeanie when she visited? She must have said some positive things! I appreciate it so much. Hope you make it!


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis