
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Oh the Places I've been - this week!

Oh Boy! The places I've been. This week. And none of them were what I planned to show. :-(
Who recognizes the first picture?
Pinterest. Addicting. A great repository of all the pretty things on the web. I was a bit shocked at the number of pins. And the number of boards. Boards are like file folders. And you save pictures into the folders. Yours, from followers, from those you are following, from the web, yep.
I try to keep my folders in alphabetical order. It's that a-type personality disorder.
These are just some of the things I "pinned" today. Notice the mailbox pictures at the top? Why mailboxes???? I won one today!!! Yippee. I'll have to do a before and after shot of that change. We never changed the one that was here when we moved it. It will be a shocker. I promise.
Oh, and then there is Ebay. A box got delivered today. On Mr. CJ's afternoon off. Of course he wanted to know what was in it. Guess!
We are also relaying brick in the back yard. That was the queenly we. Not me personally. Being the only female in the house has it's benefits. When I say "We need to....", the men folk know it doesn't involve me! This is really much easier than it looks, if you have the skills. We have sons. They have skills.
And we went to watch our youngest perform. His genre of music is so different than ours. But it was fun.
And last, but not least, I was in the studio this week. I'll share this cute remake later. Getting ready for a table setting. Soon. I hope your week was a bit more exciting than ours! Next week, we'll travel to France, or maybe Mexico!
Linking to The Tablescaper's new Friday (Thursday evening) party - the places I've been - posts about places we've seen.. I hope you will join us!


  1. Hi Marlis, I'm so glad to find your delightful blog! Gotta admire anyone with hippie jeans with embroidery up the legs. Pretty cool indeed. Love your interest trip and the wonderful spirit that this blog emits.

  2. Sometimes travelling close to home is best!

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Marlis, I still don't completely get Pinterest. I do know it is FULL of beautiful photos. '-)

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm so glad I found yours!

  5. I love your Pinterest boards and following you now. It's always great to catch up on things at home. One of the great things about Pinterest is virtually traveling to places too.

  6. I am dragging my heels on Pinterest. Being one who can get soooo sucked into that maze of fabulous-ness, I have chosen to wait... a bit... maybe next week... maybe when I need an escape.. like today when I should be setting up for my garage sale!! See what I mean??? LOL It's calling my name! Congrats on the win for the mailbox. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  7. Marlis,
    Oh, my, dear this is what the world of Pintrest looks like???
    I haven't entered in...don't think I'd have the time and I'd want it to be organized, too!!!
    Love the napkin rings! I'll be watching for the upcoming tablescape!!!
    EnJOY your vacation!

  8. I love your definition of "we." I resemble that remark! ;-) So cool that you're getting some things done without having to lift a finger!!!

    Your son looks so cool up on that stage! Rock on, brother!! Rock on!!!

  9. Fun reading. I use pintrest too...mostly around the holidays though. Blessings, Debbie

  10. Wow sweet Marlis, you are very organized with your, just any ol'way! I haven't gotten the love for it totally, you have just inspired me so! Your handsome son looks great up there and how proud you must have been looking and hearing him!! Congrats on your win Marlis, I bet you're already thinking what to do with it! Those napkin rings are fun, I can't wait to see them in action. Have fun and enjoy.

  11. I enjoyed your stroll through Pinterest,Marlis. Wonderful post!


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis