
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Tablescape in Remembrance - Memorial Day 2013

Welcome to a tribute to the fallen.
Memorial Day is to remember those who have fallen while in the service of our country.
However, when tragedy strikes close to home, the lines blur.
At first I was not going to do a table, it seemed so trivial in light of the devastation wrought in Northern Texas and Oklahoma.
But then I recanted.
Last week tornadoes ripped through Granbury and then Cleburne in the Dallas area.
Lives were lost.
I prayed for them.
Last Sunday, a tornado ripped through Shawnee, OK.
I remembered all the wonderful people I met when I taught at Sue's Sewing Shoppe.
I prayed for them.
Then came Monday.
And Moore, Oklahoma was struck with an EF-5 tornado.
Winds of between 200-210 miles an hour.
At least a mile wide.
Almost the same path that the 1999 tornado took.
And I prayed for them.
One by one friends and family checked in.
First my dear friends in Edmond.
Then a post from our beloved Cherry Kay.
Our Bernina dealer.
My friend Debbie.
I praised God.
While praising God and weeping for those whose loved ones were lost,
I remembered that God is with us always, in good and bad. He rejoices with us when we are full of joy. He cries for us when we hurt.
1 Peter 5:6-10
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
So I carry on. With a deep hurt in my heart for all those in Texas and Oklahoma.
And I ask for prayers, our tornado season is just starting.
I remember those fallen for my freedoms.
I praise them for their bravery and conviction.
We owe them a debt we cannot repay.
So I set this table for us to enjoy this weekend.
Amidst our bbq and gatherings,
I promise to remember.
And to be thankful.
Thank you Cherry Kay for this gorgeous tablecloth. I couldn't wait to use it.
I hope this is a fitting debut.
Dinner Plate - Queens Calico
Salad/soup Bowl - Villeroy and Boch Burgenland
Bread Plate - Arzberg Blaue Blueten
Flatware - Cambridge
Red Water Goblet - Stein Mart
Blue Wine Goblet - Libbey, Dollar Tree
Red Napkins - unknown
Napkin Rings - Dollar Tree door hangers
Centerpiece - Grape Milk Glass
I'm linking to Cuisine Kathleen's Let's Dish on Wednesday evening.
I hope you will drop in.
And here's to hopping the brick is re-laid on the patio by Sunday! ;-)


  1. Marlis, this is truly a beautiful heartfelt post. Your layered details of this patriotic table are a glorious tribute and reflective of the mood our country is experiencing after the recent events. So much sorrow and loss. I am indeed thankful for the safety of Cherry Kay and Sonia and their families. Thank you, Marlis.

  2. A beautiful setting and tribute for all those suffering and those who provide aid and comfort.

  3. Beautifull done and spoken. My husband's cousin lives but a mile from the worst of the storm and it took until late that evening to get word that they were okay. Their home received damage but minor in comparison to those in Moore. It's been a rocky spring for a lot of people.
    Your tablecloth is fabulous! Love the red and blue stemware. I'm a big fan of those dark blue floral plates. Your mix of the three patterns looks great together.

  4. Beautiful table, beautiful words, beautiful thoughts. Thank you Marlis, this will stay in my heart throughout the weekend. Your new table cloth is so pretty, I know you are going to have lots of fun with that!

  5. Eloquently expressed. And a beautiful table, too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones.

  6. Eloquently expressed. And a beautiful table, too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What a beautiful tribute. Putting into words how we are all feeling this week. The table is beautiful and perfect for Memorial Day.

    Our prayers continue for OK.

  9. Marlis, what a beautiful post from the heart. Your tablecloth and stemware is lovely, and I can't take my eyes off the floral plates. Love the mixture of the patterns. Great job!

  10. Hi dear Marlis, what a lovely post and wonderful scripture to read at the end. Thank you for that and for sharing your beautiful table. The cloth is such a lovely gift from Cherry Kay and you enhanced it beautifully with your gorgeous mix of patterns.

  11. Hey dear friend, your table is fabulous! Very elegant with the gorgeous dishes, lovely tablecloth from Cherry Kay and glasses! Me, I forgot my red stems, lol..(to busy cooking for a dinner party) Thank you for sharing the scrpture and the table.
    Big hugs,


  12. I was just on my way over to your place to tell you how much I LOVE your R/W/B table, Marlis!!

    The stems are GORGEOUS together & I wish I would have thought to use my red flatware. Duh?
    I think the addition of the bells & that pretty 'Barbara Bush Blue' ribbon with the stars is perfection.

    Your words, most of all, impressed me.
    And how the heck did you get that over head shot??? Ladder?? Roof top??? Out the upstairs window???
    Inquiring minds want to know. LOL

    Hope you have a safe & touching Memorial Day.


  13. Such a lovely post Marlis! My prayers are that we have seen the worst of the season. Your table is just beautiful! I love the use of the dollar tree door hangers. Have a safe and happy holiday.

  14. Marlis,
    Beautifully written. I love reading your posts. Perfect tribute. Dianne

  15. Marlis, The tragedy of all the tornadoes and destruction is so sad and it happened in such a short period of time. It was forcast to hit the DFW area this last time but we were spared. The sirens were still screaming in the North Dallas area. Your outdoor garden is so lovely and the tablescape of patriotic colors is beautiful. I especially like your layering of plates. The blue salads are so charming with the blue toile tablecloth. Memorial Day is so appropriate for outside dining and I hope you and your family have great time during this weekend. Many Prayers for ALL!


  16. Marlis, your post is so timely and thoughtful. It has been quite a time. Our hearts truly goes out. Your table is beautiful.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. Thank you so much Marlis, for your poignant post. There is a lot of remembering and praying to be done. And you said it so well and inspired each of us too.
    Your tablescape is beautiful. I love the mix of pattern and texture. And it would be so lovely to enjoy dining outdoors, too.

  18. You're doggone skippy, it's a fitting debut for that beautiful tablecloth! What better way to use it than in the honor and memory of those fallen in both war and peace?

    Beautiful table, Marlis! You have so many thoughtful details everywhere, like the ties on the napkins. This is a labor of love, and I'm so glad you decided to do it. It's not trivial when you put this much heart and soul into it.

    I'm glad everyone on your check-in list was safe and sound. We will, along with you, continue to pray for the souls of those who lost their lives and that peace rain gently upon those who lost so much. Have a safe and loving weekend.

  19. The tablecloth has found its perfect home. Beautiful tablescape and your post ministers to many, including me. I'm going to share you post on my FB page. I think that it needs to be read by as many as possible. Thanks for your prayers for Oklahoma and Texas. They are felt in my heart. Cherry Kay

  20. Marlis, Your table is as beautiful as your words are heartfelt. I love your dish layers and gorgeous toile tablecloth. Keeping you and the victims of the storms in my thoughts and prayers.

  21. Oh Marlis, your words are so beautiful on this one that I had to go back and see the table because I got so caught up in them. You express my heart so well.

    The table was a lovely as the rest of the post. My favorite part was the fork on the plate for some reason.

  22. Marlis, your table of red, white and blue is so very pretty. Looking at your photos and reading your moving words brought tears to my eyes. We owe such a debt to fallen heroes and, if we were not affected by these horrible storms, we should be sending up prayers of thanks. Remembering all the families who have endured all of these tragedies should definitely should be our focus this special week-end.

  23. Marlis, thank you for your beautiful post. Your tablescape is lovely, but your words are truly what matter the most. Have a blessed Memorial Day.

    Jocelyn @

  24. Hi dear Marlis,

    How's everything overthere? I was really thinking of you all, not just Oklahoma or Texas. My heartfelt to the people who are in vain now.

    The tablecloth is just adorable. I love it so much. That's a MUST grab from your table today.

    Happy Thursday and always be careful and take care.

    /CC girl

  25. AMEN! Well said, Marlis!
    Blessings MY Friend,

  26. Your table looks beautiful! I especially LOVE your tablecloth!!!

  27. When I first got your website to come up, I thought "Ooohhh, those dishes are gorgeous!" Then I read your words, and they were really beautiful. So true, it has been such a sad week. Very kind of you to keep things in perspective, may we all do so. Take care - Dawn

  28. Marlis, a beautiful table and a beautiful post. The photos of all of the devastation and especially of the people affected by all of this tragedy have been heart breaking. I've been doing a lot of praying for them too. Your table is such a soft patriotic tribute. Perfect for Memorial Day. laurie

  29. Beautiful post! The table is fabulous as usual!

  30. Beautiful post, both the table and the heartfelt words. Your plates look gorgeous gracing that beautiful tablecloth! Just lovely!

  31. Great post and tribute to the great people of Oklahoma. I would never want to live anywhere else.

    Beautiful table.


  32. Lovely table and tribute. As a tornado victim two years ago April, I know the frustration ahead. My thoughts and prayers to all the victims.

  33. Sweet Marlis, this is such a beautiful post and tribute. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Hugs, Holly

  34. Marlis,
    What a glorious tribute to our Servicemen and women and to the victims of the recent tornados!!!
    Your tablescape reminds us all to carry~on despite our circumstances!
    I have two former students now serving our country as U.S. Marines.
    While recently attending a reception for my male Marine, I told him. . ."as you complete your training, there will be days ahead when you feel you cannot go another step further. Remember than I am praying for you daily. Ask God to give you the strength to carry on. He and I will be with you every step of the way." He became very sober and said, "Thank you, I will remember." I am so very proud of the young man my student has become.
    Your Scripture filled me with hope for our country and for my own being. Thank you, dear friend!!!

  35. Beautiful post Marlis. You have captured the true meaning of Memorial day. Your table is gorgeous with all it's finery. I will pray for the people of Oklahoma. Blessings, Linda


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis