
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dish Auditions

Do you hold auditions for dishes? I do and so should you. Why you ask? Well for one, dish storage space is probably at a premium at your house, too. Right? So other than a complete set of special dishes, each new purchase should be either 1) special enough to stand on their own, or 2) versatile enough to play well with many other playmates (your other dishes). And if you are wavering, as I am now, they should probably not stay.

There were so many questions as to what I bought at Pier One.. see this post HERE, I actually went back to pick up a few of these, just to audition. I did buy a few things you will see later. These plates are more of a grayed white, less creamy, weigh a ton, and take up a lot of space when stored. I did prepare a spot for them, if they stay.

They did not play well with this stack of salad plates. And this is the short stack. There were more. 

The problem? Well the plate part is deeply inset from the fluted edge. And they are gray white, not a creamy white. The deep inset is the biggest issues. Many salads will just sit on top of the fluted edge and just do their own version of the slip and slide. 

So as I brought out more and more dishes, the table started to look like this. Add a few chargers, placemats, flatware.. you get the picture, right?

This is the short stack that works for the depth issue.. but I'll let you be the final judge.

Not sure, but with the right flatware?  A charger? What kind? Placemat? 

I do like them better with things rustic. These chargers seem to carry the weight of the plates well.

 Because the brown dishes are bowls, used for stews, soups and salads, they work great on top of the fluted edges. 

I keep thinking of giving these salads away. I guess I just don't use them much. You know, use it or lose it!!

 The white Wedgwood seems to work. But you know, just not sure. What do you think?

So, now you need to vote.. stay or go? 

I've put up the mess and am waiting on your opinions!


  1. Since the color is off and it is hard to place other, smaller plates on top, I'd probably pass on them. Too bad as I do love the ruffled edge! Thanks for the review Marlis :-) At least it gave you a chance to play with your dishes lol!

  2. I think it would also depend on how much they cost...because they are heavy and a gray tone I would probably pass unless they were very inexpensive...they are hard to pair with other plates with a design that has white, cause the new ones look grayish...under 5.00 ea. I would probably purchase 4 for a tablescape or special dinner..anyway thats my love you taking a poll, sure keeps your interest seeing all your beautiful dishes...

  3. Hi Marlis,
    I think the whole fact that you are REALLY DANCING with TRYING to find a perfect place for these dishes "MEANS" they should GO BACK! They just are not agreeing with you... My favorite combo would be "On top of the brown rattan with the yellow bunny dish on top of that. AND maybe float some ribbons on the table WHICH would pick up on the ruffled edge of the white dishes... Whatever you decide will be "The Best"! AND if you are going to add a white dish to your collection, it should be a "JUMP UP and DOWN" sleepless night experience. This just does not seem to be it...
    Big Squishy Hugs to you,

  4. Marlis,
    The rufffle appears to be the attraction to these plates. They definitely caught my eye!!! I can see why one would be swayed with their presence.
    Doubts that you have seemed to have been justified. Perhaps there's a better alternative awaiting. I'd say...continue the hunt. I'm sure your heart will lead you to the correct decision and the "perfect" choice!!!
    I did so enjoy seeing your dishes!!!

  5. I vote for the vegetable plates. They are lovely. If you are looking to get rid of those(the vegetable plates) you can look my way!!!!!!! They really are pretty and I think they work well with the white plates as well as the chargers, but then, your tables are always lovely :)

  6. No vote here, but it looks like you had fun playing with the dishes! Wish I lived closer -- I'd have loved to have played along! Pier 1 is on my list for this afternoon, so I will look at those dishes in person.

  7. Marlis, if you have the room and love these plates, I'd get them. They look lovely with the brown bowls and the woven chargers. Love them with the bunny plates too, and agree they look good with the other salads you pulled out. Looks like you have enough choices to make these work. I like the look of these. The fluted edge and fact that they are a bit heavier make a good contrast for visual texture.
    Good luck with your decision. I've auditioned plates many times. ;-)

  8. Marlis,
    It's so true, cupboard space is always at such a premium. If you truly love them somehow a space is found. I like them with the rattan charger - also with the rose plate. Will the two go together? Pier 1 will probably have them for a while if you take them back and change your mind.
    If you are truly thinking of getting rid of the botanical salads let me know. I think I can use them, if not they would be perfect in my sisters house.

  9. As soon as I saw the photo of the ruffled plates pop up in my email, I thought "Oh, good...she got them!".
    What a disappointment to learn they are not all that we thought they'd be.

    Now, having seen them with your others & read about the drawbacks, I just don't know.
    Is there a time limit on returning them? I think I'd live with them for a bit & see how they work for you in real life.
    Every stinkin' time I've either returned or given away something, I kick myself later on.

    I, too, love those salad plates that you said you don't use. They are VERY pretty! Maybe you should host a give-away on your blog?? I've only done 1 give-away & only 5 people entered, so I never did another. Sad. I bet you would get LOTS of takers for those!!


    p.s. Come see what I made!

  10. Hmmm... Touch choice, but I guess if I were you I'd let them go. While they apparently have a deceptively fantastic look, they don't appear to be versatile enough to warrant the storage space -- at least not at My Place! I'll look forward to seeing what you decide. At least you had a good excuse (as if you needed one!) for playing in the dishes. :-)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I feel like a fish going against the current...I LOVE the dishes! But I'm not a designer of any sort. I thought they looked nice with most of the other dishes you paired with them.
    So, if majority rules, you should take the advice of people more experienced with such issues than I.
    Have fun with this, Marlis.

  13. I have a personal rule that I use when shopping for anything. I've used it for many years, and it's held me in good stead. The few times that I have failed to follow my own rule, I have lived to regret it. Here's the rule: if I have ANY doubts about whether or not to buy something, I put it back immediately and don't buy it. If I can question color, size, price, will I use it, wear it, ...whatever the question....I put it back and don't buy it. I'm guessing that you really already have your answer, and you're hoping that we'll change your mind for you. :-Q Whatever you decide, I know it will be the best decision for you! That said, yes, my dining table often looks just like that as I experiment with different mixes of plates...sometime with no tablescape in mind...just for the fun of playing with dishes and coming up with new ideas. Cherry Kay

  14. I would pass on the plates - the color is wrong and doesn't go with a lot of your dishes. But you know if you REALLY want them or not. I do however LOVE those flowered salad plates. How perfect for spring and summer. I am sure you will make the right decision.

  15. You are struggling...when in doubt, don't. :-) But I loved the rose plate and the bunny plates!

  16. Marlis! What is WRONG with you...asking this group whether or not to keep dishes?!??!?!!! Or maybe it's just dangerous asking me since I've perused the responses and see that several people are voting the fluted plates off the island. :-) I vote that you keep them!!!!!!!!! They're so different, and for that reason alone they're worth keeping. I realize I'm in the minority on this one, but you know I'm halfway off my rocker anyway! :-) As for the Pier 1 tropical salad plates (that I also have)...there is NEVER a reason to get rid of dishes because you never know on what occasion you might need them! Summer is right around the corner, and you will get all kinds of ideas floating in your head when all the summer entertaining begins. I'm begging you, woman...don't kick 'em to the curb!!! (In the best Forrest Gump voice I can muster) And that's all I have to say about that!

  17. Marlis, you sure don't want to ask me! I always vote "stay"! That's why my cupboards overfloweth, and I'm going to HAVE to pick something to go. I can't do it! You come pick for me, ok? You sure have some pretty plates. laurie

  18. If they aren't too pricey, I would purchase them:) Usually if I'm not 100% about something I end up returning the item.

    Good luck!


  19. I think it depends if your have space for storage, caz if it was me, I usually worry about that later and find the space, lol! Me, I'd get them!...but you alone must make the choise. I love them all! Enjoy your week.

  20. Marlis,

    I have been so busy this week, not only did I not post, but I didn't read anybody else's post and now I regret missing this one. I do exactly the same thing. I have a mess of dishes on my table right now jut waiting for judgement. As far as your recent purchase goes, if they don't convince you 100% that they deserve that precious storage space, then send them on their way!


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis