
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Heirloom sewing in Texas - Part 6

Welcome to another week to look at and explore the pretty entries in Martha's Sewing Market contest.  I believe this grouping was embroidery on a ready made garment or object.  So what does this absolutely drop-dead gawjuss flower have to do in this category? It embellishes.. I'll show you the shawl to which it belongs in just a sec. I'm not sure as to the designer of the beautiful flower embroidery motif (nor who embroidered this jewel) but if I had to guess, maybe it's a design by my dear friend Jenny Haskins? Instead of it being embroidered on fabric, the piece looked to be embroidered on water soluble stabilizer and then  have that product briefly rinsed out so that much still remains and the piece can be shaped. I really have no clue, so I'm just guessing. The pearls look like those from Crystal Eye Candy. This is such a beautiful creation and idea, I might just have to borrow it! What do you think?

Here is the embroidered pashmina to which the flower belongs.. You can see it hanging so unpretty there at the bottom (bad bad photographer!).  Pretty, pretty embroidery too! Yeah you-betcha this won this category!

This jeans shirt was a category winner too (I can't remember who got first, second or third.. so winners they are!). Look at how beautifully the design mirrors itself on both sides of the front.. Stunning piece.

A lovely jean jacket embellished with bias trim, appliques and embroideries. Aren't the color choices lovely? I think this too was a winner.

A totally lovely butterfly. Wow look at the size!

Cute design for the back of the shirt... says "I will never quit".

Beautiful design placement! Great color, wow that took a lot of time to embroider!

This entry had absolutely stunning embroidery on leather! Can you even imagine how hard this was to do? And it's perfectly placed too. 

Thanks for dropping in today. It's been my pleasure. Hope you had some fun. See you next week for the largest category, all the stuff that didn't fit anywhere else! You won't want to miss it, I promise. 


  1. Those embroideries are so exquisite, Marlis. Thanks for showing us....Christine

  2. Yes, Christine is right...gorgeous embroidery, I love 605! Thanks for sharing dear Marlis. Have a great week. Hugs, FABBy

  3. "gawjuss" is RIGHT!! Awesome work! Please let us know if you found out the designer?
    I would ♥♥♥ to have a black pashmina like that one. BEAUTIFUL!

    Thanks for sharing all these wonderful photos, Marlis. I've so enjoyed going along with you on that trip.



Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis