
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Monday Photo of the Week - Friendships

Connie and Patty
Seeing them once a year is really a treat.
I miss seeing them more often, but that is how it's working out right now. 

Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we will come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will every change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.  It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.  We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.  ~Albert Schweitzer

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.  ~Douglas Pagels

Carol Ahles

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.  ~Elisabeth Foley

The friend within the man is that part of him which belongs to you and opens to you a door which never, perhaps, is opened to another.  Such a friend is true, and all he says is true; and he loves you even if he hates you in other mansions of his heart.  ~Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry, The Wisdom of the Sands, translated from French by Stuart Gilbert


  1. How wonderful that you got to spend time with old and dear friends. It's truly what life is about.

  2. Great friendships are one of life's best blessings! Such treasured moments.

  3. Spending time with friends is on of the rewards we get while on earth.

  4. It was so nice that you got to spend time with good friends that you met along your life's journey.... They make wonderful memories.... I wish I could see them more often myself.....facebook makes that possible....don't you think?

  5. Hi, Marlis! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you make the Mai Tai cake and enjoy it. I've already been to Hawaii about 10 years ago. It's very beautiful. I really enjoyed luaus, pineapples and kona coffee. When I saw that Mai Tai mix I had to recreate a little of our magical time there.

  6. You have a treasure of friendship. I have lost touch with some sweet friends over the years. I regret that very much. I hope that my daughter who just finished college maintains her wonderful friendships from those years until they become "old friends" like yours.

    And thanks for your sweet email, Marlis.

  7. dear Martis, How wonderful for you to have a reconnect with your dear friends. Friendships so easily slip away while we are going about our hurried lives. Its wonderful to stop and take time to share with those special to us. It sure looks like a good time was had by all............Thanks for sharing your special time.

    The French Hutch

  8. This is so crazy, Marlis, I just finished, last night, a post on friendship. Great minds, hu? :)
    I think mine is scheduled to air this evening...amazing, hu?

    Glad you had such a great time with your friends.

  9. I just had lunch today with my oldest, dearest's good for the soul! "Friends are the flowers in the garden of life."

  10. "A true friend hears what you're not saying." We've both been blessed with wonderful reunions recently. Happy for you...and me! Cherry Kay

  11. Marlis, how wonderful to lunch with these good friends. Friendship is a true blessing in life. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful quotes. ~ Sarah

  12. What a blessing to have a friend such as this Marlis. Months, even years and separate good friends, but the minute you get back together you pick up where you left off - just like a soap opera I say.

  13. Marlis, isn't it just wonderful to have friends whom you feel you can talk to about anything. So glad you have these wonderful friends. (And everybody looks so happy) laurie

  14. Hi Marlis,

    Sorry i missed you there.

    Hugs, Janice


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis