
Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Photo of the week - crusty and wonderful

Found last year at an estate sale. Had to explain to another shopper (male) why I needed it more than he thought he did. It was in my hands already before he even spotted it. Might have paid too much, but I loved it. I wanted it. So I bought it. First day of sale, obviously no discounts that day ;-). 
I love that it's rusted and crusty and old. 
That just makes it more wonderful. Kind of like aging. 

 Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years.  We grow old by deserting our ideals.  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.  ~Samuel Ullman

 Father Time is not always a hard parent, and, though he tarries for none of his children, often lays his hand lightly upon those who have used him well; making them old men and women inexorably enough, but leaving their hearts and spirits young and in full vigour.  With such people the grey head is but the impression of the old fellow's hand in giving them his blessing, and every wrinkle but a notch in the quiet calendar of a well-spent life.  ~Charles Dickens

 Nope, not having a birthday (not yet anyway). 
Just thinking that the old things bring much pleasure. 
This old garden cart. 
An old cookbook I'm fixin' to give to the most precious young lady. 
Being married over 36 years. 
My children's baby cups. 
A comfortable pair of shoes are always old! 

Everyone is the age of their heart.  ~Guatemalan Proverb

Plantings: Sweet potato vine, Lantana, Portulaca, and something that hangs down.


  1. What a treasure, Marlis! Sure glad you had your hands on it first!!

  2. Congratulations on the recognition, very well deserved. And your crusty wonderful flower bucket is a great piece.

  3. Hi Marlis, Love your cute garden cart and choice of plant material. I think the Latin botanical name for the "something that hangs down" is
    "Inapoticome Forgetanamia"..that's a joke. I read that in a Rosamunde Pilcher book once and got such a giggle from it. Actualy it looks a little like creeping jenny but I can't tell for sure.

  4. Great post Marlis, love your beautiful garden cart:@)

  5. I love your quotes. I'm such a quote person. I'm also very fond of old things and prefer them, generally, to new ones.

    Good thing since I'm becoming more of an old thing every minute...

  6. Marlis,

    I asked the expert: What you have hanging down is Lysimachia nummularia or Creeping Jenny and it TAKE OVER. I love it, but it is aggressive.


  7. Aww..Marlis, I love this post and its sentiments. I would have fought for that wagon too. Love it. Feeling younger, Carol

  8. My son would get wanting the wagon, my husband wouldn't understand. It looks so fabulous as a planter -- love the sweet potato vine. A dear acquaintance just died -- she was almost 80 and always on hyper-speed. She didn't age because as your quote just said, she didn't lose her enthusiasm for life. Joni

  9. What a great planter idea! And I love that Father's day pic! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog :)


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis