
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Simply Lunch Tablescape

My word for the year is Simplify. So that is what I did! In the process we are gonna find some things over which to have a good laugh. I have enough blooper material to last the whole year!!! So step right up, take a break and come along for the ride...

Regardless of what you put on a white tablecloth.. it is always going to look good. In this instance it's Midnight Trellis dinner plates. First seen HERE, I pulled them back out for this family lunch.

The black-handled flatware is such a stunning accessory on this table. No way it will fade into the background.!

Silver candlesticks, off white candles (really aren't as yellow-green as they appear here). Blooper number 1. Look at the dessert forks - Blooper number 2.. they should face the other direction.. And is there a lack of napkins? Well that would be Blooper number 3.

Bloopers 2 & 3 are better seen up close and personal here. We weren't using salad plates, so I placed a big white snowflake on each plate. I thought it just made it look very wintry.
Meet the master of the silverware - Regan. He apparently does not like the way it's arranged and as you can tell by this photo - look at the setting right above him, he's pawed the silver just enough to set it askew! Thanks Regan!  Oh, look center candle is now wrapped in snowflakes.. mmm.

I love these vases. They are actually 4 skinny, tall jar like vessels wrapped with a leather string. Perfect for single stems in each vessel.

In this close up, you will now notice the center candle lost it's ribbon skirt (it just didn't work) and I simply tied a black sheer ribbon around the candle. Much better don't you think? So does the changing of the candle accessories count as Blooper #4?

Finally a picture with napkins! All I can do at this point is laugh at myself. I hope you enjoyed a brief glimpse into my not so perfect world. I guarantee the no one noticed, the dessert fork facing the wrong way, or that the candles looked weird in the photos, or knew about the dress mix up on the center candle. Regan finally left the table alone (nothing like a bit of water to fix an errant kitty) and the silver was re-washed. The candles were lit and the table provided a wonderful spot for food, laughter and great memories...  Hey, at least the salt and peppers were filled!

Midnight Trellis plates by Home Essentials and Beyond
Flatware - Horchow
Table linens - UFO
Napkins - hemstitched linen
Vases - treasures from a friend
Wonky candles - UFO
Goblets - Mikasa Parklane
Silver candlesticks - UFO
Glass platform on center candle - Hobby Lobby

Be sure to drop in for some lovely eye candy..

January 7 is the day!!! 8 monogrammed napkins giveaway. Be sure to click HERE and leave a comment on that post.


  1. Well Marlis -- looks to me like even your bloopers are lovely! Looking forward to more fun in 2011!

  2. I would never find any bloopers on this table -- how could you with Regan to look at. I always admire that silverware -- such a lovely table. I have done many, and will do more, bloopers on my table...what's wrong with that? I love the word blooper. P.S. I love your snow and the snowy background. Joni

  3. Marlis, I love the table and have to admit I wouldn't have caught the bloopers either. The table looks perfect for enjoying a meal with friends and family. Also I couldn't agree more about a white table being a good background for a perfect table. Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. I would never have noticed any of these bloopers, LOL! Love the simplicity of the snowflake on your plates and your kitty tablescaper extraordinaire :-)

  5. It looks lovely, Marlis! I wouldn't have noticed any bloopers!

  6. Marlis, your tables are always beautiful even if there is a blooper or two. Simplify is a wonderful thought for 2011. You have inspired me to dig out my white tablecloths, at the bottom of the armoire. Thank you!

  7. Marlis...

    This is such a pretty tablescape-so wintery (in a great way). Regan seems as helpful and my kitties!!! Don't they think they always know best?

    Love your stemware!!!

  8. Oh my I love the simple elegance of this table. So pretty. The snowflakes on the black plates really are nice. Love the glasses!

  9. Bloopers or not, that is a beautiful table, Marlis. I love the unique dinner plates...are they pottery?

  10. Girl, I tell you...I am rolling on the floor in absolute stitches!!! You are SO funny!!! I would not have noticed HALF the "bloopers" had you not pointed them out. My focus was on the great tablescape! I am particularly taken with those vases wrapped in leather. Those are really, really cool! I don't dare try to MAKE anything like that for my repertoire, but I really dig 'em. If I find them pre-made somewhere, I can't guarantee they won't show up on one of my posts! :-) I love your San Remo flatware. I have it and don't get to use it very often which is a total bummer. It looks perfect with the theme you have going on! Thanks for stopping by my place earlier...I'm always so happy to hear from you! Have a wonderful week. I'll be up to my eyeballs in NFL football all weekend since the KC Chiefs made the playoffs! Talk to you later!!!

  11. Marlis, I wouldn't have caught the bloopers. Everything you do is done with great style. Had a good laugh about the help you had from Regan. LOL

  12. Very classy table! I especially like the bundled bottle vases and the flatware. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. I love those bottle vases...they give me ideas. I've started leaving something done incorrectly on purpose. I think that it makes my guest feel more comfortable...many times it's the wire hanger that held the table cloth in the linen closet...left hanging on the door between the kitchen and the dining room...or something sitting on an extra chair that should have been put away. Sometimes I've removed them when I edit pictures, but not always. I've always had a philosophy: Don't let anyone take you for granted. Your tablescape is wonderful! Tell Jan 'hi' for me. I hope that you get to meet my sister some day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful design. Cherry Kay

  14. I was taking night shots of my Cabo table this week and lit the hurricane and it was a little dirty so I used a cloth to wipe it. Then I took quite a few photos and realized the dirty cloth was sitting right there by the hurricane and in all the photos! I think bloopers are so fun and most of the time most people would never see them.

    This is a fun table for winter. If you hadn't pointed anything out, I would have missed it completely, we fill in the blanks don't we!

  15. You are TOTOALLY queen of tablescapes in my book. All your photos make me want to come right over and join in!

    Your table looks so welcoming AND so stylish, which I think is a hard combination to get right.


  16. Marlis, this table is simply beautiful -bloopers and all! I was so entranced with the table, I would never have noticed any bloopers. I love that black flatware. laurie

  17. Nothing speaks elegance better than black, white and crystals. Your table is a true beauty as usual, Martis. Hope you are enjoying the new year so far...Christine

  18. Marlis,
    Beautiful tablescape! I love white, black (& green) table settings.
    Your cat is adorable. I have a few of our Maurice when she decided to become a decor critic. . .just haven't posted them! Pets, truly, enrich our lives! Thank you for visiting On Crooked Creek and for your kind comment! Stop by again soon!

  19. This is a beautiful table -- with all the problems in the world, turning the forks the wrong way hardly constitutes a crime! I love the bottle idea -- you could do that with wine bottles. Now you've got my wheels turning.

  20. It's a beautiful table -- and I really like those vases -- I, too, like simplicity on the table.

    As to napkins -- I once had a whole luncheon WITHOUT them -- I forgot and nobody said a word -- when everyone was gone I realized that the only dirty linen was the tablecloth -- was my face red -- but by that time the guests were gone!!!

  21. I wouldn't have even seen any bloopers because your table is gorgeous.

  22. The table looks so beautiful. I also wouldn't have noticed any bloopers. The flowers are beautiful.

  23. For me, there are no bloopers. Since I don't know the rules, I never think they are broken. Black and white is always a winner.

  24. Loved your blog. I don't know how I''ve missed it thus far. The black and white combination is always so elegant even if it is done casually. The bloopers journey was fun. I probably would not have noticed the dessert spoon. My Momma certainly would have noticed.
    Love the plates and the vases from your friend are just great. Such a sweetie she must be.
    I have the same flatware in the black and cream. Don't you just love it? Susan has the black but she got hers at Tues Morn, I think.
    Again, I loved your blog and I am your newest follower. Please visit with me. I am taking this week of but I do have a recent post. Hugs, Ginger

  25. Lovely table. Don't worry about the bloopers! Enjoy what you've created. Love the little jars with the greens.

    - The Tablescaper


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis