
Saturday, January 1, 2011

A resolute determination

Our Lady of Guadalupe, 417 Agua Fria, Santa Fe, NM

Main Entry: resolution
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: determination, strong will
Synonyms: aim, boldness, constancy, courage, dauntlessness, decidedness, decision, declaration, dedication, doggedness, earnestness, energy, firmness, fixed purpose, fortitude, guts*, heart*, immovability, intent, intention, judgment, mettle, moxie*, obstinacy, perseverance, pluck, purpose, purposefulness, purposiveness, relentlessness, resoluteness, resolve, settlement, sincerity, spirit, spunk, staunchness, staying power, steadfastness, stubbornness, tenacity, verdict, willpower
Antonyms: compliance, indecision, weakness

Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe, NM
1. I am determined to be a better person such as God would want me to be. ---what can I possibly say to this??? 

Red Snapper with green chile cream sauce, saffron rice and garlic veggies at Milagro 139, Santa Fe, NM
 2. I am determined to eat foods that are better for me thus taking better care of myself. ---I guess the rest of the cheesecake is out!

Poem, 125 E. Palace Avenue, Santa Fe, NM
3.  I am determined to only buy things I absolutely love (no more giving into 'wants'). --- ooh right now I LOVE this really great, overpriced, perfect piece of furniture!!!

3 things. 3 things that would have an impact on the quality of my life.  3 things are easy to remember. 3 things that are attainable. 3 things that work into my word for the year - simplify. 

Did you make any resolutions?
How long do you keep yours? 
Do you revise your resolutions?

Less than one week left to sign up for the monogrammed linen napkins giveaway! Click HERE to leave a comment on the original post. will be drawing January 7th!! Thanks for dropping in, thanks for being a part of my life, thanks for giving your time.

I'm linking up to The Tablescaper's Seasonal Sunday... go by and see the tidbits of delight that are in store for you there.


  1. Happy New Year, Marlis! Good luck with your resolutions, stay determined. They are good ones. I haven't wrapped my head around mine yet....

  2. Marlis, good luck with your resolutions. Mine are to continue on my quest to organize all the "stuff" around here. I've got closets to tackle and the attic shelves.
    Love seeing your shots of Santa Fe.
    Happy New Year, dear friend. ~ Sarah

  3. Oh Marlis, I admire your resolutions. I have a few myself, but looking b ack at last year's, I realize I only really kept one. I wish you better luck.

    Happy New Year and thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    -The Tablescaper

  4. Beautiful photos and good luck on your determined resolutions, Marlis. I gave up making any....Christine

  5. Wonderful resolutions Marlis. Have a fabulous 2011! laurie

  6. Happy New Year Marlis! Best of luck with your resolutions, 'simplify' is a good one!

  7. Marlis! Goodluck on your resolutions as well...all very, very good ones. Here's to us being "determined" in 2011!

  8. i know you will be able to keep those resolutions. I love the daily scripture you put on Facebook daily. Another great post! Happy New Year!

  9. Thanks for visiting with me and my blooper.
    I don't have any resolutions, I call them goals and have made a list, a realistic list that hopefully will hold up. I think one step at a time is easier to manage.
    A Very Happy New Year to you.

  10. Marlis,
    I love your post and determination to change. I am inspired by your desire to be more.
    I didn't make any real resolutions, but I do have a strong desire to be more consistent with my devotional time with the Lord and to stop drinking coke. Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. These are good resolutions. I haven't made any as yet, I usually don't, but reading everyone else' has got me thinking so I may.

  12. Good luck with your resolutions. I really need to work on the last one, myself. I love so many things that it's hard to try to decide which ones I love the most.

  13. About avoiding buying "wants" I once heard this advice: Before buying anything ask yourself if it changes the quality of your life. Many times the answer is no and that's the end of it.


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis