
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A little time off....

I'll be back soon.. promise.. just taking some time this week for:
a root canal
family in town
rearranging dishes!


  1. I pray that all goes well with that root canal. Enjoy your family and playimg in the dishes. Wish that I could be there to play, too. You'll be missed. Cherry Kay

  2. Marlis,
    I so appreciate knowing what you'll be up to!!!
    When I don't see frequent postings, I do worry, dear friend!!!
    Two of these sound delightful...prayers for your upcoming root cananl.
    Look forward to hearing from you soon!

  3. Hope the root canal goes smoothly -- so you can enjoy family and get back to tablescaping!

  4. A root canal??!?!??! Oh, no!!! Say it isn't so!!! I'm so sorry! I have a feeling, though, that it's going to go easy peasy for you. Hang in there!

    Enjoy your family, and have fun rearranging dishes! That's like a big ol' Barbie doll play date with yourself! :-)

  5. Ouch! Sorry about the root canal. Have fun with your family and it’s always relaxing to rearrange dishes. Take care.........

    The French Hutch

  6. Best of luck with the root canal - not fun. However, playing with and rearranging dishes should make up for it!!

  7. Sorry to hear about the root canal. Hope all goes well. Enjoy your visitors and have fun rearranging the dishes. ~ Sarah

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  9. I meant to say Connie and I are going to come visit and play and sew.....

  10. I can say this with no hesitation, a root canal does not qualify as time off. My wishes for a pain free procedure:) Now the family visiting, that's a good thing, enjoy!!!!

  11. I've had my share of root canals, Marlis! Hope you had a wonderful time with your family. xo


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis