
Friday, December 7, 2012

Advent Calendar 2012 - A cowboy tree

Although our big tree isn't a theme tree, don't be fooled.
There might be one lurking just around the next corner.
Follow me to the guest bathroom (before the upcoming redo).

My roping cowboy dude!
The Texas ornament is a gift from a friend, thanks Pat!

 The lovely rustic bells arrived anonymously after our house fire.
We love them!

Love, this cow. He jiggles just like a bowl full of jelly!

The troubadour on the bull is croning out a song that probably includes, trains, jail, babies, rain, beer, a tractor or wishing he were in a pickup truck.

I know cowboy Santa looks all twisted up in his rope, but I'm sure he's got a plan!

It's not a big green tractor, but a Deere nonetheless.  
Notice the western bead garland, one of my favorite pieces on this tree.

Whats a Texas tree without some cotton off the farm?

Not sure what this pod is, but it's large and makes for the perfect tree topper on this rustic, metal tree.


  1. Marlis, that is so cute! My husband is a wannabe cowboy. I'm so busy this year, I'll be doing well to get our trees in the family room decorated. I need to remember this idea for his bathroom next year. Thanks for the inspiration. laurie

  2. Just WAY too cute, Marlis! My sister, like Laurie's husband, is a wannabe cowboy...or make that cowGIRL!!! She has a farm up in Minnesota with horses and a barn and stuff like that. She also has a pig whose name escapes me at this moment. She treats the pig like Arnold Ziffel on the old "Green Acres" TV show! It's pitiful, really. sister would be 10-gallon hat over boot heels with this tree!!! :-)

  3. Oh Marlis, this is just too adorable! I love this tree, so unique, so Americana and so fun!!
    I will show this to my 5 year old grand who loves to dress up as a Cowgirl, with pistals, her mother's cowboy boots when she was little, cowboy hat and all, than she starts running around after indians..she cracks me up!...but than as a second thought she might want a tree like this and it's a little late, lol..Thank you for visiting dear Marlis, I've missed you guys, I was away for more than three weeks cause I was busy and also had to buy more posting space, which I didn't know, lol..Happy holidays sweetie!

  4. Marlis,
    Creativity at your finest!!!
    Thanks for reminding us to let our hair down (or up as in a "Pony Tail")every once in a while!!!

  5. A perfect Cap Rock Tree. The garland is outstanding! Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis