
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Today, I'm thankful for...

I would say that thankful for God and family are always at the top of my list. However, this evening as I passed by the kitchen and heard a flurry of activity, I am particularly thankful for my husband of 38 years. Today, he listened to me sing It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas at least 100 times. Then went with me to a Christmas store. And without fail, always, always always does the dishes after I cook. Always.


  1. Sounds like a keeper! I'm enjoying your series!

  2. Marlis,
    Grab you husband "under the mistletoe" and plant a HUGE kiss on him! I married "Scrooge"!!! Doesn't stop me...I love Christmas and the truest of the Reason for the Season! Have a blessed week, dear friend!

  3. I love this! I also have a husband that does the dishes after I cook. We made that arrangement years ago and it taught my sons to help out too.

    I have been singing Christmas songs too! Love it!!!!

  4. When I need a quiet spiritual time, I go to your blog, Marlis, for alway an uplifting message. I am also grateful for my husband.

  5. Good man, that husband of yours! As the .38 Special song goes, "Hold on loosely, but don't let go!" He's one for the record books! :-)

  6. So sweet, I love a little help in the kitchen too. I have been thinking about Christmas too and think I am ready to start the Christmas decorating right after Thanksgiving.

  7. My husband is good about rinsing and sometimes scrubbing some dishes after we eat. I love that he does that. Thank you for reminding me that it is definitely something I should be thankful for. laurie


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis