
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today, I am thankful for...

Did you know that 200 years ago, you had to be white, male, and wealthy in order to vote? Although the Declaration of Independence declared "all men to be equal"..  "in order to cast a vote in the new democracy, one had to be white (except in a few Northern states), male (except in New Jersey, where women voted until 1807), and a landowner (nearly everywhere)." (Scholastic)

Today I am thankful that I have the right to vote.


  1. Marlis, I'm glad I have the right to vote too, and I did! I voted early and was so glad because it was pouring down rain this morning, but nice in the afternoon. That's so interesting that in NJ women could vote until 1807. It's so amazing to me that women, nation wide, didn't get to vote until 1920. A lot of women fought for a long time to give us this right. I read that some were even imprisoned and beaten just because they wanted to vote.

  2. Me too Marlis! Thanks for the little history lesson.... we have come a long way! I am praying for our country!

  3. Marlis,
    I'll always remember the looks on my students faces when we taught that lesson in American Government Class!!! I voted early. Thank you for the reminder...that it wasn't always a freedom women possessed!


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