
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Children's Christmas Tablescape

Oh Little child so near the tree
The precious view you clearly see 

 Adorned in white, a glistened sight
A chilling warmth, it’s nearly night 

 Excitement grows within each eye
A splendid match, so bright yet shy 

  You make each wish, each secret part
A ray with God, so fills your heart 

Your wants are small, unselfish child
Not to be wrapped, branded or styled 

 A world of hope, filled full of peace
A caring call, let love increase 

 Next year this child so wants to be
Back out to watch, this growing tree 

 What of our wants as time goes by
Will hope and peace and love climb high
©2001Roger J. Robicheau 

 I love setting a magical table for the children. Something for all their senses. 
Just nothing with a flame.
No knives for the little people. 
And no candy before dinner.

Tablecloth - a red and white gingham waffle weave older than dirt.
Green and red napkins - purchased on sale a long time ago
Dinnerware - Golden Rabbit
Flatware - Gorham
Snowman - Tuesday Morning

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your visit and will leave a comment so that I know you were here and I can find your blog! I'm linking up to Cuisine Kathleen's Let's Dish and  Susan's Tablescape Thursday! See you there.


  1. Marlis, this is such a beautiful post! Love the dinnerware! Any child would be mesmerized at this table! Very pretty!

  2. Marlis, this is a beautiful post with both images and that lovely poem. Thank you for sharing. The child in me would relish sitting at this table. It's magical!

  3. What child wouldn't love being a little guest at this table? So sweet and special.

  4. I just love the dinnerware!!! The candy cane theme is wonderful. I love your poem too. I think I do my decorating for the grandkids. My children are too used to it, but the grandkids ooh and aah when they come over. They would just love this table!

  5. Just simply wonderful, Marlis. Would love to have these dishes!

  6. Very nice Marlis. I like the candy cane designs! Fun!

  7. Lovely table and a lovely poem to go along with the images Marlis! I love your older than dirt tablecloth best :-)

  8. Marlis, the dinnerware is precious! I can imagine what this looks like through a child's eyes. I remember all the pretty touches from my childhood ;o)

  9. Lucky little children in your family to sit at this cute table. I love your centerpiece...oh, and I agree, no candy before dinner!

  10. That is just the cutest table for kids, Marlis! I love the dishes and the adorable snowman centerpiece.

  11. Hi Marlis,
    This table is so very cute. The tablecloth is awesome and reminds me of something my Grandmother had. I am wondering how in the world you did that black and white sketch of your photo? Dianne

  12. Gimme, gimme, gimme!!!!!! I LOVE that candy cane dishware!!! That is just the coolest, especially the bowls and mugs! It appears to be metal? PERFECT for kids AND adults! The snowman is really frosty cool, too! He just looks like he's been hangin' out in the snow all day. Even his hat is frosted!!!! I was just SO certain that you were going to say you made those pretty napkins. I was bracing myself for it! You ARE an incredible seamstress, after all!!! :-)

  13. Those are some sweet little Christmas dishes! I think this is a perfect table for young one's!! Great job!

    Hugs, Linda

  14. What an adorable children's of the prettiest I've seen! The snowman is wonderful..any child would love sitting at that table! Enchanting!
    Miss Bloomers

  15. Very cute table, Marlis. The snowman is so pretty. I just love snowmen, they are so cute....Christine

  16. What a precious children's table! Really cute dinnerware. I love your centerpiece. Great poem!

  17. What a lovely poem! And it is new to me -- thank you! That dinnerware is completely adorable, and had I run across it in a store, I would have been helpless to resist! You've set a delightful table with it!

  18. Dear Marlis,

    This is magnificent table. Love those mugs... aren't they adorable? I need to grab some, §:-)


  19. Marlis, I want to sit at the children's table. How pretty it looks. Loved the poem too. I had never heard that. laurie

  20. Looks like you have a big hit with your table. We are all lovin it, darling centerpiece and the candy cane pattern so perfect for a kids table. I would want candy first even if I not supposed to have it before dinner. Thanks for sharing this darling post

  21. Adorable table! My kids would love it! Thanks for your comment on my White Christmas tablescape.

  22. What a sweet post with wonderful poetry just right for capturing the spirit of joy young ones bring. It is fun to create magic for them, and I suspect you do it in many ways.

  23. Liebe Marlis,
    dein Deutsch ist wunderbar. Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar zu meinem Post Tartan Tea. Dein Tisch gefällt mir sehr. Es sieht ein bisschen verschneit und verzuckert aus und passt ganz toll zu dem Candy Cane Thema. Die Verse bringen die richtige Stimmung zu den schönen Bildern.
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Adventszeit,
    liebe Grüße, Johanna

  24. When my kids and nephews were little, I always did a children's table that was so much fun that at one point one of my nephews told me that they liked coming over at Christmas, not for the "big" gift, but for all the surprises I put on their table! Alas, they are all grown now, but just this year the first baby was born into this new generation, so I'm excited about future children's tables. I really like these dishes, and you paired them beautifully with the gingham tablecloth. So charming!

  25. Marlis~ Your table is perfectly inspired and paired with the poem! I love the simplicity of the candy canes, holly leaves, and red and white! Adorable snowman :)

  26. What a sweet, sweet table! I love the candycane theme and the emphasis on children!

  27. Oh, I love your table and especially the Golden Rabbit dinnerware! I've been debating on buying some myself!

  28. Marlis,
    Your poem is mesmerizing. . .
    I want to come and dine @ your Child's has all the things I L O V E, dear friend! Precious!
    P.S. I laughed aloud at "older than dirt"!!! Too funny!

  29. Oh I love a cheery table! Red and white is so energizing and pretty together. Love your dishes!

  30. How pretty! The china is delightful! I love the poem too, nothing like being around children to await Cmas . So special!
    Thanks so much for linking to Let's Dish!


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis