
Friday, October 19, 2012

My copy-cat chalkboard

I am NOT this clever. But boy when I see a good idea, I can surely make it my own. Michael over at Inspired by Charm created a masterpiece on his large wall. You need to go check it out HERE. Mine is no where near as elaborate. But then I have a small chalkboard and he has a big, ol' wall!

This hangs over our stove. I had something else there, but it lacked enough weight. And until I get the stove of my dreams (here) and a new vent hood, this will just have to do. And I'm no artist.. please be kind!

The fun aspect of the chalk drawing still comes across. One thing I did learn.. don't clean the chalkboard with water and then NOT prime it again! See how wimpy the brooms on the right are? Lesson learned.

You too can create your own chalk masterpiece.. in not so much time either.. Have fun and


  1. Marlis, that is soooo cute! You are much more of an artist than I am. I don't think I could make those brooms look that good. Thank you for sharing this fabulous idea! Hope you have a good weekend. laurie

  2. I popped over to that guy's site and looked at his, and then I came back and looked at yours, and then back to his, and then back to yours, and then back to his, and then....well, you get the picture! Yes! Exactly!!! YOU GET THE PICTURE! You got it to a T!!! What a great recreation of his original, Marlis! Thanks for the tip re: not using water on the board unless you plan to prime again. I would not have thought of that, either! Great job, girl!!!

  3. Cute, cute Marlis. I'm going to give this a try on the board on my back door. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. It just occurred to me that I have an old play chalkboard waiting in my pile to donate to an upcoming thrift sale. Now, I'm thinking about retrieving it, giving it a fresh coat of chalkboard paint, and well...



Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis