
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Musings

Life has simply been busy around here.
How about for you?

Get up.
Start fixin' lunch.
Take a shower.
Get dressed for church.
Pick up the boy child.
Have breakfast.
Go to church.
Hear a great sermon about being spectator Christians. 
(you know we aren't supposed to sit on the sidelines and wait for someone else to do the work)

Drop off the child.
(yes, at 30 he's still my baby)
Get everyone together for lunch.
Steak, baked potatoes, salad, chocolate cake, blackberry cobbler ice-cream- Blue Bell.
Clean up.
Do another load of laundry.
Catch up on some of the "list".
Wait on solar eclipse.

 Thanked God for everyday blessings.

Praying that you had a wonderful weekend.
For what have you thanked God today?


  1. Marlis,
    This week was filled with tribulation...I thanked God that I am His child. Whatever is to come from all of this I know His hand is at work. There is a purpose for all of this in my life .Like the hymn I sang with our Chancel Choir this morning, "In the Garden"...He speaks and the sound of His voice...I'm silent In The Garden...waiting on His voice for direction in this trial. Thank you for this post, especially today, dear friend!

  2. Marlis - visit my blog. I have nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award!!


  3. Oh Marlis, You like myself are so blessed with everyday blessings! How wonderful, and most importantly to have a "grateful heart" for blessings. Your Sunday was perfect. Thanks for sharing and the reminder to be grateful for simple everyday "Blessings."

    the French Htuch

  4. Ahh yes...this all sounds familiar. I have been very busy for sure and have been thanking God for so many little and big things. He is so good. Blessings on you and yours...


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis