
Friday, July 1, 2011

Heirloom Sewing in Texas

I had so much fun last weekend in Arlington, Texas. I went to Martha's Sewing Market!

Isn't this christening gown just fabulous? The lace and embroidery just makes me weak in the knees!

 Today I'll show you the beautiful christening gown category of entries into the judged exhibition.

I hope you enjoyed these beautiful pieces.

Happy Weekend! Stay cool, have some fun!


  1. These are just exquisite. It must be so motivating to go to Martha's shows. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  2. thank you for sharing these!! Stunning, every one of them!!!

  3. Marlis, I would be weak in the knees too, these gowns are stunning. I can't imagine the work that went into each of them. Thanks for sharing.

  4. So gorgeous -- all sure to be family heirlooms. Thanks for sharing these.

  5. I love these! I have a friend who makes beautiful heirloom christening gowns. The detail amazes me.

  6. Marlis, what a treat you had going to Martha's Sewing Market. These dresses, all of them are beautiful. My mother-in-law sews and I know the time and creativity that goes into these sewing projects. Thanks for taking us along with you on the lovely tour.

    The French Hutch

  7. Beautiful. I think I still have some double needles from about 20 years ago when I was going to try some heirloom
    Stitching.....that's one more thing I never got done...maybe one day.

  8. Hi Marlis! Oh, these little gowns are so beautiful! I can't even pick out a favorite.
    Thanks for popping in to see me and have a wonderful 4th of July.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Wow, I've never seen such a beautiful collection of glorious christening dresses!! Wonderful!

  10. OMYGOODNESS...these are just stunning. I can see why you were weak kneed.
    That must have been a great trip..back in March, I went to Dallas with daughter and a couple of grandgirls and had the time of my life. I just LOVE going to Dallas. One reason...I was born there and have some great memories of Big D.
    My mom and dad divorced when I was 7 and we moved to Plainview. I went back to see my daddy every summer and he made sure I had such fun while I was there. Great memories...:)

  11. *Gasp*~~be still my ♥!! What a fantastic display of EXTREMELY talented
    sewistas! I would have been giddy with excitement to have been able to see these in person, Marlis.

    I have clicked on each photo so I can drink in the details & enjoy them up close. Next best thing to being there.

    Thank you SEW much for sharing them with us. Someday I'll get back to "Lace Camp". *sigh*


    p.s. Come see the pettiskirt I just made for Caroline to wear for the 4th of July!


  12. Wow, these are absolutly gorgeous! Some of them, as you say; "take your breath away and make you weak in the knees." The roses on that hat are so sweet. Can't you imagine some precious little thing wearing them. Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

  13. Marlis, Thanks so much for leaving such wonderful comments on my blog. I love yours!!!! Both of them. LOL. Isn't this just the best community of people - we inspire, support, share and encourange those we may never meet so openly. Thanks again!

  14. I have never heard of this market....incredible. Were all these gowns created by hand? Boy, even the thought is intimidating.
    Hope you've had a good weekend, and I do appreciate the prayer you offered this day.
    As always, I love hearing from you.xox

  15. Absolutely breathtaking! What pieces of art these women have created. How wonderful to be able to create something like this. Thanks for sharing them.

  16. Oh my goodness, hold on while I pick my jaw up off the floor! These gownss are exquisite!!!! Amazing creativity and talent! XO, Pinky

  17. Wow, what an amazing show. These do need to be shared! I'm in awe of the talent of these ladies. Each piece is truly a treasure. I would have enjoyed this show. Thanks for taking me along through your photos.


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis