
Friday, April 29, 2011

Spring is like a perhaps hand.... ee cummings

Pansies. I have always loved pansies. As far back as I can remember, I have loved pansies. I believe it's their smiling faces that peer at you out of the blue. 

Saturday mornings. Just Regan and myself. Home alone (without the antics). Watching the birds, hearing their song through the open doors and windows, doing chores, watching the sunlight play shadow games across the porch.

Talavera. Colorful. Cheerful. Handpainted. I had found the best place to buy it in El Paso and also in Santa Fe. I can never have enough. 

Begonias. In all colors. Waxy leaves. Lovely petals.Cheerful yellow tufts in the centers. They grow in shade. Are not phased by heat. 

Herbs planted in wire baskets. Morning sun. Shade in the hottest part of the day. Evening sun. Prolific. Taste good. Waiting on me to use them. 

Gentle breezes that flow through the house when the windows are open. They move the curtains. The create shadows that move. Entertainment for Regan.

All things natural. This vine covered bowl. Spring flowers. Renewal. The promise of our salvation. 

Entertaining outside. Eating outside. Sitting outside. Doors open. Sleeping with windows open. A renewed energy. All before the blast furnace (aka Summer) arrives. 

What about Spring do you like the most?

Spring is like a perhaps hand

Spring is like a perhaps hand
(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere) arranging
a window, into which people look (while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here) and

changing everything carefully

spring is like a perhaps
Hand in a window
(carefully to
and from moving New and
Old things, while
people stare carefully
moving a perhaps
fraction of flower here placing
an inch of air there) and

without breaking anything.

e.e. cummings

Linking to The Tablescaper's Seasonal Sunday. Please drop in and see all the goodies in store for you. The Tablescaper has done a tribute to the newlyweds. Which ones, the ones whose gorgeous wedding was broadcast all over the world! Prince Williams and Lady Catherine.


  1. Hi Marlis, I can only imagine how beautiful and warm your home is. Your photos looks so wonderful. I love Talavera potteries too. They are so colorful and just so cheerful looking.....Christine

  2. Marlis, thank you for the tour of your spring blooms and greens. Your summer night time dining looks so lovely. The Talavera pots are just bursting with color. I love pansies and always plant a pot each year as they can withstand the cold that comes with our spring. The photo with the curtain being blown in the wind is so beautiful. Love Regan too. Joni

  3. You are so far ahead of us. It will be the end of May before I plant anything outside. I LOVE your Talavera planter. Beautiful! Thank you for the tour of your blossoms! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!

  4. I love the pansies also! I made a EPB doll named Pansy. :) Your herb garden is wonderful also. I love having fresh herbs outside.

  5. Everything looks very warm and inviting Marlis! Lovin' your pretty herbs-enjoy:@)

  6. Such a pretty yard...thanks for walking us through it with you.
    We have to wait a bit longer before we can plant in the ground...we actually had some frost yesterday morning. :-(

    Kudos to you for being honored on Coty's site. She has a wonderful eye & did right by highlighting your blog.

    Hope you have a nice upcoming week, full of sunshine!

  7. i just loved your stroll through the flowers, and the poem just fit it perfectly.

    it just seemed fitting that i type this out cummings style.


  8. Great post, it so embodies Spring. Glad you could be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescasper

  9. I love the color of those pansies!

  10. I LOVE your Talavera bowl! I wish I had a better outlet for them here. Maybe I should try some of the Mexican markets because this summer I want to add a lot of color to the garden. I love the way you've planted yours too. I feel so inspired!


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis