
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Where do you keep all your stuff - part one

I cannot believe that I am going to show you the insides of cabinets!!!  Our house was built in 1961 by an architect for his use. There is no wasted space anywhere. You can see that the hallway, all the way into our bedroom is nothing but built-in storage from floor to ceiling. Perfect, isn't it?  I actually have room for all sorts of goodies behind all those doors and in those drawers. Today, I'm sharing napkin and napkin ring storage.

The built in in the mini-hallway in our bedroom is the perfect depth for napkin storage, although presently half the cabinet is used for sweaters. I tend to keep my napkins grouped by color if at all possible.

Are you intrigued by the mini-tubs you see? They are still a work in progress, as Staples ran out of labeling pockets and I am eagerly awaiting their restocking!

Can you tell what's inside? Sure you can... It's napkin rings. Only the lower right one has the label holder on, I think this is where I ran out.

I take pictures of the napkin rings, print them out to size and then cut to fit the picture to the label holder. I also make sure I write the number of napkin rings on the picture.

This way, I can easily see what I need, how many I have and only pull out the what I need without disrupting the entire napkin ring world. Oh, the mini tubs came from Wal-mart and were $1.50 each.

I also have two drawers in here with placemats and one of the drawers has placemats and matching napkins in it. Down the hall is the drawer where I keep the placemats and napkins we use on a daily basis.

 Oops, noticed the lower shelf has some chargers that got shifted. Wonder what I crammed in on the other side??

Votive candles and candle holders have a home in the lower drawer of the plastic drawer insert. In the upper drawer are Halloween spiders and pumpkin place card holders. Votives, jars, decorative elements all have a home in here.
Along with the bulkier placemats and chargers.

Off to right the mess on the lower shelf... Hope you enjoyed the visit. Sharing was painful! ;-)

How do you store your napkins, napkin rings and such? I'm curious.

I'm linking to Susan's Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday.. be sure to drop in for some really great inspiring redo's..


  1. OMG I'm sitting here drooling over all that storage....I'm going to go sit in the corner and try and think about what I would do with that much storage, you lucky girl.

  2. Hello marlis,
    what was painfull on this sharing? You are so well organized. It is more painful for me to realize how neat such things can look (if they are well organized).LOL
    It is really amazing much space to store nice things. The architect did a good job and you make the best of it. But if one has a new empty cabinet, it fills up by itself, or not?
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  3. I agree with Johanna above! There should not have been anything painful in sharing this -- it's wonderful! Oh, what I wouldn't give to have all of that storage space! You have it nicely organized and lots of pretty things. You are one lucky girl!

  4. Send me that hallway! Thanks for sharing this great post ... and thanks for visiting my recent snowman birthday tablescape! I enjoy your "too" site as well ... I'm just starting the calendar page project ... that is such a great idea!

  5. You can never have too much storage! What a great post -- we're all jealous!

  6. Whenever i look at your beautiful table settings, I always wonder "Where does she keep everything?" You are so organized, Marlis.

  7. Very timely post, Marlis, as I've been pondering how best to store my growing collection of napkins and placemats. Your solutions look perfect!

  8. Wow! How convenient to have all those storage cabinets, Marlis. I can sure use them. I keep my table linens in 2 cabinets under the bookcases in the hallway leading to the bedrooms. I also have some in the cabinets under the doll display cabinet. My napkin rings are in a stand alone cabinet with lots of drawers leaning against a kitchen wall.....Christine

  9. You are wonderfully organized Marlis!

    I loved your living room makeover story.

  10. Oh, you're good. Love your organization!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. All I can say is WOW! Double WOW!

  12. Absolutely amazing! What a hallway and you are so very organized. I need some of those bins for my napkin rings, but then I would need that wonderful closet for them to place the bins in. How fun to see your beautiful cabinets and to peek inside too! I loved being a voyeur!!!

  13. Wow, I have storage envy! Your organization is fabulous. Very, very nice.

  14. I love the way you have organized all your tablescape pretties! I want to do the hanging of the tablecloths too. Oh, and the tablecloth "ironing board!!"

    Great job! Wish I had a storage wall like that!


  15. OMG..Am I jealous? Yes of course I am.. All my stuff is in storage boxes which have now taken up half the garage. I am really enjoying the fact that there are other nutters like me who do this Tablescaping (new term for me) just because they love it!!

    Is it really a bit much to have 10 different dinner sets though? I really can't part with them.

    Great blog, thanks Jo


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis