
Monday, November 15, 2010

if you blog, if you ask questions, then you should know.... (Blogger specific)

Do you blog? Do you leave comments on blogs? Do your comments sometimes contain a question? Then this post is for you.

I totally love reading your comments. It's just like opening my mailbox and receiving mail! A great way to start the day.

So today, I'd like to share something I learned recently. I blog on the blogger platform (as opposed to Wordpress or Typepad). I can set up my blog to have the comments appear in my email in-box - really a cool feature!

If you haven't already done so and wish to enable this - sign into your blog and go to your settings tab and then the comments tab beneath the settings tab.
Scroll down and find the Comment Notification Email and enter your email address. Make sure you save your new settings! From now on, if someone leaves you a comment, then you will have that comment fed into your email box! Cool Huh?

 Now for the fun part... Would you like bloggers to be able to email you when you have a question or you leave a comment? Sure you do. Makes it much easier when you win a give-away too. You get the notification in your email!!!

Look at the top right of your blog when you are in blogger screen. See the word Dashboard? Click on it. This is where you manage your profile settings, multiple blogs, etc.

Once here, click on Edit Profile in the left navigation bar.

Click to show your email address. Note: No one will see your email address, but if a blogger has their comments set up to come into their email in-box, instead of seeing "no-reply" in the return address, the blogger will now see your email address and can then reply by email. You are now one click away from getting a response or an answer!!! No one but the blogger will see your email, it WILL NOT appear in your comment. 

Give it a try, I think you will like it!!


  1. This is very informative, Marlis. I use Wordpress and I do get the comments in my mailbox. I thought that must have been the default

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Settings have been changed to reflect what you suggested in your post

  4. I remember when I first discovered this revelation. Isn't it lovely having comments delivered to your inbox?

    Thank you for your lovely non-lurking comment!!

  5. Thanks for the helpful tips, Marlis but I already do both. I think everybody should have these features, make blogging so much easier...Christine


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis