
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fiesta Santa Fe

Welcome to Fiesta Santa Fe. It was my first time to be there during this busy weekend, so I'll show you some of the highlights. I hope you'll stick around and follow this journey with me.

In honor of the founding fathers of Santa Fe, the crests of the founding fathers are all hung along the Palace of the Governors on the west side of the square.

This is the venue for the daily Native American vendors that sell their wares under the portal.

Then we went to see the burning of Zozobro, Old Man Gloom. He symbolizes the all the worries and bad things of the previous year. He stands 50 ft tall. However, one of the shopkeepers that was once a helper/organizer of the burning, told us that he started out about 2 feet tall and the burning took place on the square.
Each year, they do change up some of his attributes. This year, he had blue hair! The Kiwanees now produce this event as a fund raiser. You are welcome to bring your slips of paper of the things you want to burn and put it in a box and then that is burned along with him. One pair of sisters has been coming to this for 25 years and they bring a box!

While waiting for dark to set in, band play and then there was this procession.

He really looks ominous!
Who does his manicure??

Sun is setting it won't be long.
He really does moan and groan!
And then he begins to burn and all of last year's worries and troubles are gone.
The evening then finishes with fire works.
Some venues still had roses in bloom.
The Shed.
Square dancers were part of the continual Fiesta celebration.
As were Native American folk dances.
And a procession bringing La Conquistadora back to the Cathedral Basilica after a week's stay at Rosario Chapel. She is brought in by Don Diego De Vargas.
This lovely lady has a closet larger than my bedroom!
And then they go back in time reenacting Don Diego De Vargas reclaiming Santa Fe peaceably from the Native Americans.
No Fiesta would be complete without Mariachis.
Horseshoe shaped silver ornamentation.
I love these Mariachi ornaments.
Thank you for dropping in.. Now you too have been to Fiesta in Santa Fe. I'm glad you joined me for the journey. Check the sidebar for other trips to Santa Fe for a different glimpse into the City Different.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how fun! Thanks for sharing these pics, Marlis. I remember buying some turquoise jewelry by the Governor's Palace. And that corner with glass windows, is that the store named Christine's? I remember having my pic taken by the sign. I wonder if it is still there....Christine


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis