
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Regan at Chris✞mas

It's really been a hectic season. 
The mama just won't stop moving stuff around...
Bringing stuff in...
Fluffing up the house...
And I hear a lot of No!
How about you? Are you having fun yet?

 Oh yes, this was just the beginning.
She bought a new tree.
It doesn't smell like outside? What's up with that?
When I look up the center, I get told No!
She has some silly wire on the top anchored to the window trim.
I think I'll just take a nap while she waits on the guys to come move all the electronics.

This is a safe place. 
No problems lying on the pillow.
It's soft, mama made it, and I can watch the birds!
Oh, but the German smoker Santa is a big No

The advent wreath, our version.
A flame that dances about.
Things in your lens might be closer than they appear.

She says she's hemming the drapes.
Says the puddling is bothersome.
I kind of like it back here.
I haven't heard a No! in days. 
Merry Chris✞mas!


  1. Marlis, these pictures are adorable!!! The last one is my favorite. Aren't our pets priceless? We moved our Scottish Terrorist's crate that he sleeps in to a new spot because it was right in front of the fireplace. It just didn't add to the Christmas decor, if you know what I mean. He was perplexed about that for days. :)

    BTW, my parents' previous cat used to climb up into their tree and peek out through the branches.

    Have a blessed Christmas season.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  2. Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing! Come and visit! Joann

  3. How cute! I'm sure our pets wonder if we've lost our minds this time of year.

  4. I'd say Regan has it made in the shade over there. Really cute photos of a very cute cat. xo

  5. The house looks beautiful. I love your stories from Regan's point of view. Have a blessed Christmas.

  6. Aw, how cute! Typical inquisitive cat! I have two that have been messing around with my tree skirts and making me crazy!! She's a pretty one and your pictures are adorable!

  7. Oh, Regan, have you discovered the best napping spot in the house? Under the tree, of course!

  8. Hi Marlis, I smiled all the way through this adorable post! A cute kitty tale, and I think Regan is enjoying all the pretty Christmas decorations. I sure did.
    Hope you're having a great week.

    The French Hutch

  9. Hi Marlis,
    I love this post! Regan is so cute. You home and decorations look beautiful as well. I hope you are enjoying this holiday season.


  10. Cute post! I hope she didn't burn her nose on the flame!!

    Merry Christmas!


  11. Hi Marlis,
    Regan is such a handsome cat and he looks so cute in all his special christmas places. Our poor kitty Punkin has had a rough time with 3 surgeries in two days to remove more than a dozen bladder stones. he's recovering and enjoying sleeping near, but not under, our tree. Have been loving all your posts with Christmas history lately. Dianne

  12. Our cat loved his favorite spot our tree skirt under the dangling glass ornaments :) Regan looks very comfy taking his cat nap! I had to chuckle at how big his eyes are in the first and last photo!


Thank you for visiting and commenting. I love reading your thoughts. Blessings, Marlis